i want to have funi want to feel good i wnat to enjoy life
iw ant to have a good day i want to feel good about myself i
want to feel the flow flowing i want to feel the
focus i want to knwo the truth i wnat to knwot he truht
which is that od does eveyrthing perfectly i knwo that
god does everything perfeclty and i love that i nwo this
i kl
i love that ig et t do thi
this work i lvoe that i dont havee to
think about it i love that i dont have to care
i want tofeel good i wnat to have a good day
i want to let ig d
ti go i want to let it all go i want to
feel good i want it ofeel good iw ant
to enjoy the day i awa
want ot feel good for me i feel good for me i feel
good i feel good becausee i want to i feel
good becuse i wnat to becusa
i chose the feeling
choose the feeling of peace and harmoney choose
the feelng of peace and harmoney choose
the feeling of
peace and harmoney and i love that i get to that
i get to cchoose the focus that i get to choose
the god self and know that life
has to relfect it
the feeling of g
god is all there this
the feeling of go is all there is the
feelign of god is all there is i knwo this
truth this is theo nly the orn and only
trht i love that i get to allow life
to allow god to flow through me
ot just feel god andk o
ad know that is the soutiont o everything
the focus is all there is the god self
is all there is the god feeling is all there is
its the same realization every time and i now this
its me its never not me its never not me
there’s no separation its only ever me its only
ever me its only
ever me its’
it’s only ever me its’ only
it’s never not me its ‘never
not me it’s never not me
its’ never not me its me its
the magic of me it’s the magic of me its’a
always the magic of me its’
always the magic of me
the magic of me the magic of me te
the magic of me the feeling of me the feeling of the work
the work theo nly work its only ever this work its
only ever the coming back to this work its only
ever love is only ever love its
love is i
the only aser
i know its only ever me
i know its only
eer me i know tis only
eer mteh feeling of the feeling of the focus on god and that is
all there is the feeling of the focus
on god and that is all thre i
the feeling of the focus on god
the focus on god the focus on the feeling the
power the poer the feeling of the focu on the
power the
feeling of the focus on the power hte
feeling of the focus
on the poer
the power of me the power of em the power of
me the power of the
me the feeling the fc
feeling the truth
why am i th
here why am i here its itme its time to sto tis
the focus on god on the one and only truth
and tha’s the only thing that is ever missing
tis never them its me it
its the feeling of me its the feelng of me
tis the feeling of me its the feeling of me its the
feelling of me its the feeling of me
tis the
feeling of me tis the feeling of me its the feeling
of me its the focus it sthe fo
the focus of god the feeling i choose its
its m
its always me creating that that’s wht i have to admit
i know tis me
its me i dont have to think
just be and allow god s version i knwo the truth and ig et t live by it so grateful to get back to it to get back to the truth truth to
to get back to the truth
so gratufl to
get bacck to the truth of lfie
to get back to the truth
the one and only truth
the focus
on what i prefer i now this i nkow this i nkow my powre
i now
i nkow my gift i nkw my gift i know the power of em
i knwo that life is on my side i know that lif
is goin
always going my way i
get to feel for this for this one aond
only otru
truth and liv emy life by it
i know tis me its what i loko
at i its what i look for
and im so grateufl i nkwo i know i
im sograteful
to get
ti back to come back to it i
to remember that i
its mey
my choice its alays what i want is alway s
what god want s
tis always
i know the truth
why am i here to feel the
feeling of the turht
to feel the feelng ofme and
elt the rest go to remember i dont have to think
to remember the art of allowing to remember the truth to fall back into the truth the truth of lfie the truth of lfo
of love go f
gods love of gods love coming through
me of feeling thet ruth theo na dn only the turht the magic of lfie i love that i get to feel i get to
enjoy lfei ig et to enjoy life i get to enjoy life