unfil i find it again
even though im not looking
because i know its right here and
its not a matter of finiding it i
i know where it is its a matter of trusting it
its a matter of choosing to find it
over and over
its a matter of choosing to look at nothing
esle besides it
i know here it
whre i
where it is i dont have to look for it
just look at it
just be brave enough to looka t it
just be brave enough tot look into the sun
to stare into the light and the more
i stare into the light the more light i see
the more i stare into the light the more light i see
the more light i absorb
the more light i be
the more light i be the more light i see
i’m looking that the light
i allow myself to look at the light
i allow myself to look at the light
at the light i allow myself to be the light
i make the choice to look at the light
and ntohing else
i make the choice to not
create what i dont wnat just dont amke
make that version then
its awalys
up stoto me to tell the story i want to sell
tell its up to me to tell th
the story i want to se
tell to look at the light to make
it the way i want it to e to
to make it the way i want it to be to
enjoy my good life to enjoy my good life
i feel it i feel it now and that’s
all there is the feeling and when im not feeling the
feeling it helps me remember what the feeling is and
that is alawys right here its alawys
right her
its always right here and ni
get to choos the pwoer of it
i get to celebbrate the feeling of it i ca
get to celebrate the power of me and i come here to feel
feel it to fill my tank up with it
to feel the feeling of me to feel the
feeling ofme the
the connection to me
the connection tom e
knowing its allm e its all me
i have
so grateful for a goood life
for my goodl ife with my sweet wife
so grateufl to love my life
to love where i wam
am right now so grateufl to get to just
feel it withouth reason to know i never have to look for the feeling that i
that is always right here
its just a matter of allowing myself to feel it
to let go of ther est and just feel god
i release the rest and just feel god i feel how
god would feel i feel how god
would feel and i know that the
more i look at it the easier it gets the more
natureal it feels th m
the more it gu
builds up the better it gers i k
i know the better it gets i know
the better it gets because i am
the cartographer
i am the creator
i am the illustrator of the map i am
the illustrator of the map
i know that life follws the feling li
outward follows inwasrd inward and i know this for a fact
the power of methe eeling the
feeling of me ht
the feelingo f the choicee the feeling of knwoing
the feeling of the better it gets
feeling of knowing i dont need anything
to change
that im happy just as i am
that im
happy just
as i mmam
when i am aware of the god self
within me as my total fulfillment
i am totally fulfilled
i am totally fulfilled
i am now ware of this truth
i have found the secret to life and can relax in the knowledge
that the activty
of divine abundanct is eternally operating in my life