i’m disappointed

because i didnt get the hug i wanted btcause
im not loved ecuase no one oloves me no one
wants me around im disappointed
that life is the way i wdont want it to be

disappointd that i care im really mad i care
i m mad that i can m

im made that i care im mad that i dont care
that i stay plotting my revenge
i hate that i hate her becuase i love her too much
i hate that i care i hate that i let a person
affect me and its not even a person its an idea of a person
and i knot its eayt o just let it go

but i insist on running it over and over
wnating something to be that nver
never will and i know i have to give up that part

i have to give up that part
i have to give up

why am i here to feel et
better i want to have a good day and just love
but i cant love because i feel that im ano

am not loed
and so i want to hurt

i am hurt so i want to hurt
i am hurt so i want to hurt
i am hurt o i want to hurt
i h

i hurt so im going to try to hurt soemhtone
anyone else so that they feel pain too
so that i don thave to hurt as bad

becase soemone else is hurting and if i can make them hurt
then i can feel better becausee that means they care
if i hurt them

im hurt because she got soething i didnt
im hurt because i care im hurt becaue i wanted it and id idnt get it
im hurt because i care im
hurt becaue i care and im tired of caring

im here
im here because i want to feel better because i dont want to care
and i know that i have the power to

to not care to just let it go to act as if

because im believing something i know istn’ true
i know that i
feel bad because im believing something that isn’t ture

i know this i know this and i know its so eay
to let ti go to not care

to bring my attention back
to call it back
to release it to remember

im already totallyf ulfilled

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment
i am totally fulfilled

the tao does nthing the tao does nthing the
tao does nothing

i love that i dont have to care i love
that i can drop it that easily i love that i nkow that
tis not me i

know that’s not me i know that i nkow
that’s not me and its easy to return to integrity to not
care its easy to not caret pr


problems its eay to acccept its esay to accept the truth its easy
to choos to feel how iw atn to feel its easy to let it go

its easy to let it go
but i dont even wan to be around her because she
makes me feel bad so i dont even want to be
around her

i can just cut her loose i can decide not to think

care about her at all i can just
get thorugh

get through today and move on with my
life i c let
it go forevver i can go through the motions
and have fun no matter what happens
and not

depending on anyone else
i know that my joy isn’t outside of me
i know that

god is not outsiide of me
and i know that god is all i need
i knowt hat god loves me
and will take care of me and hug
me and i never have to

think or worry about anything
besides my connection with god i know this
and i get tch

to choose to feel it i get to cchoose
tor t


return to god in evvery moment
i don thavve to

pretend to feel somehting id ont
just accept everything that is

accept everything that is right now
accept this moment

and move on all i can is talk to god
welcome god focus on god kknow that i am
already fulfilled

all ic an do is know that i am alreayd fulfilled

all i can do is know that nothing
outside of me will evverr

be my source and to re

release myself from caring

i get to focus on the god within
i gt to focus on the god within

my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillemnt

i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth
i am now ware of this truth

i have found th esecret to life and
can releax in the kowledget hat the
activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware
of the radiation of creative energy which is continuosly
easily and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware
i am now in the flow

the radiation fo creative energy

i have to choose how i feel and
i have to choose how i feel
and it

has to be free from anything outside of me
its esay to chooseet o be

free its eayt o c

easy to choose to be free its easy t

to choose to be free form the shackles
of other people s

behavior i love that i dont
care i love that i can rust

trust eveything that is i know that i can trust everything that is