i’m happy

so grateful for this dreary day
so grateful to allow it in so grateful to notice
to feel

and see

the effects of the practice
so graetful to take the time to milke

the feeling of feeling good
to return to love right now
to feel the feeling right now

so grateful for this day
so grateful to feel good so grateful ife

life is flowing perfectly through me
so grateful life loves me so grateful to feel good
to feel the flow

flowing through me to feel the flow flowing through me

so grateful to feel good to feel
the magick of life to know the magick of life
to know its only ever me to know

my supply is infinite so grateful to know
so grateful
to jump in

i feel good onw i feel th i feel the flow
right now i feel the knowledge right now

so grateful i know i can just keep saying
thank you i get to just keep saying thank you i ge

get to love so grateful i get to love
so grateful i get to love
so grateful

i can always return tolove

return to the feeling so grateful to
feel the feeling to feel the feeling flowing
through me th

thorugh me
through me to feel the feeling flowing
through me thourhg
through me

my inner supply
instantly and constantly takes on
form and experience according
to my needs and desires
and as the principle of supply in action
it is impossible fore m

me to have any unfulfilled
needs or desires

my inner supply instantly and constantly takes on form
and experience according to my needs and desires and
as the pricnipcel
of supply in action it is

for me to have any unfulfilled needs or desires

i love that i know this i love
that get to feel good and ejoy life
i love that life is good for me
i love the better it gets i love the
better it gets i love

the better it gets i love feeling the
feeling of life i love
this day i love this day i love that its a good day
i love that its a good day i love that
today is a good day i love

i feel good i feel good i feel good
i feel good and i have the knowledge

i have the knowledge

i know i know god i know i am
god i know myself
i know myself and i am god i love that
i know ths and

and i love the bettter it
get si love
i love making the cohice
i love making the choice

so grateful to feel good
so grateful to know the flow
to know the flow so grateful to know the flow
the flow flowing through me

flow flowing through me the
flow flowing through me
i feel goo i feel good i feel
good i am aligned with theknoweldge
i love

i love feeling good i love allowing
myself to love my life to celebrate my life to allow
the good things to come so
gratefult o a

to allow good things to come
so grate to allow life to flow
through me
to feel soog n

good now so grateful to feel good now
to feel good now to feel good now

to know that life is good to know that life
is good so grateful to know that life is good

to know that life
is good to

do this ork

so grateful to do this work and know the truth
so grateful to do this work
and know the truth
i know the truth

i know the truth i know th

i know the truth i know the
feeling the feeling of god and i get to choose it right no

i get to choose it right now
i get to chosoe a

choose a lust for life
i get to choose a lust for life
i get to choose to feel good
to enjo life
enjoy life i get to choose to enjoy life

my inner supply instantly and constantly

takes on form and experience according to my needs and
desires and as the principle of supply
in action it is impossible

for me to have any unfulfilled

needs or desires

my inner supply instantly
and constatntly

takes on form and experience
according to my
needs and desires
and as the principle of supply
in action

it is impossible for me to have any
unfulfilled needs or desires

instantly and constantly
instantly and constantly

instantly and constantly
instantly and constantly

i feel the god self i know the
god self and i’m bett

getting out of the way
i’m getting out of the way i’m
out of the way
i’m out of the way i’m

out of the way i’m god self
i’m the god self i’m the god self

the god self i’m god i look for
what i want i decide

i decide i decide i decide
i cultivate love i cultivate love

i am love i am god i love
feeling he

the feeling i love that i get to fee
good now i love that i get to feel good now

instantly and constantly
instantly and constantly

i love that i can

completely get out of the wya
i love that there’s always more than enough
and that it’s wlays
always flowing to and through me i love
that i know life is

only a feeling

it is impossible for me
to have any unfulfilled needs or desires
i love that i feel good now i love that
i’m at the height of my power

right now
i love that i’m at the height of my personal

power right now i know who i am
right now more than ever andi know
i know what i am capable of when

i let god do the work i love that
i can just let god do it

and i can just enjoy the ride!!