i’m happy

i get to do the work i get to love myself
so graeful

grateful for who i am so grateful to love myself
to not need anything so graeful

grateful to not need anything
to get to just
love who ia m to get to just love who i am

so grateful so grateful
so gratful i’m happy i’m so happy in my life
so graetful life already worked out for me

so grateful life is weeawy
easy to
so grateful life loves me so grateful for the time and space
so gra

gratefl to feel good to feel relieved to feel

the flow flowing the magick life flowing
so graeful i know the magick is

flowing so grateufl i get to

i get to feel good i get to love myself i love that i loe myw

lovve myself i loe when i loe myself
i love that i know life reflects the feelig i love that
i know i love that

i get to celebrate life and have fun i love that
i get to ccelebrat

celebrate life and have fun i love tat

i love that ig et to feel the feeling of god i feel
the feeling of god and i know the feeling of god is life

i know the feeling of god is my supply
and i never have to woner o

wonder or look outside of me b

because what i seek is right here
what i seek is alreay

always right here and nits

its never going to bbe something outside of me
i am one who loves and so
i send love to all around me

i love tha i am one who loves

i love that i kow the foos
food is going to be so good

i love that i know they’re going to rave i love hat
that i know i love that i know

i love that we know how to cook i love that
its so easy ti love i ilove that

its so eay to feel good i love that
i dont care what
anyone thinks i lov etha tim me

i love that ig et to love me i love that
i don t

dont give a fuck i love that i dont havet o i love that
i dont give a fuck i love that i

dont have to i love that i dont have to

i love that ig et ot feel certainty of god i love that
i knwo that when i feel the feeling life follows

i get to feel good i get to celebrate life
i get to
celebrate knowing i get to cceleb

celebrate knowing i get to ccele

celebrate knowing i get to celebrate knowing i
get to cceleb


celebrate knowing i get to feel the feeling
of knowing for sure that its

not outside of me and it
never will be ig et to have fun and enjoy life
no matter waht

i et to fe
i get


get o feel the feeling of god here with me
i get to feel the feeling of god as me
i get to feel the feling of

feeling of god as me and i know nothing is missing
i love that i get ot just say thank you for waht i si

i am focused in the flow in my awareness
and i let the rest go i love the feeling of

letting that go i love that fe

the feeling of joining god and i
knowing that god solves everything

knowig that athe feeling

creates knowing that i create
i am

the creaetor i know i am the creator i love that
i know i love that i know i love that

i know its real i love that ig et to choose it
i love that ig et to chosoe knowing i love that
i get to

choose knwoing and its the feeling of god
that its real i know that is the feeling of god that

that is real and i can choose to rust i

trsut is

i get to choose bliss now i gt to

to choose bliss here and now i get to choose
the feleing here and now

because it is not dependent on anything
i know that

god loves me i know that whn

when i ask it is given
and i allow life to flow to me
i know

that i am the source and that
life always

that life always keeps flowing
i love that i kow that i am the source

i am the source of the love i receive

i am the sourcce of the
love i receive

i am the source i am the source i am
the source of the loe i receive

i love that i know i lovee that i get to loe myself
i love that ir espect myself

i love that i love who ia m i love that
tis l

it all worked out prefec

perfectly i love that eveyrhting

is working out perrfectly
i nthe flow i loe that

i love that everything

i love that everything is working out perfectly in the flow

i love that i know i am god i love that i know i am

i know i am god and i let life come to me

i dont need anything outside of me
i celebrate everything that is

i celebrate all the love in my life

i celebrate that i am lovved and
cared for i celebrate that i am loved

and cared for

i love that god loves me i love that
god is good i love that life is good

god is lavish
unfailing abundancce
the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing sourcce
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

thiis all providing sourcce
of infinite prosperity is individualzied as me

the reality of me