and i feel good so graetful to feel good
to feel energized to feel focused to feel the lust for life
to love myself to love this day to love this day
so gratefult o be here to feel good to feel energized
to feel the flow flowing through me
to fell life flowing hro
through me so grateful to be here to feel the energy of me the
energy of me to feel the energy of me so grateful to feel it
to do the work to know that it flows through me at the
perfect time i know thate verything always happens in perfect timing
so grateful for all the gifts for
freinds who love me
for a wife who loves me for faimly who loves me
for my per
pet who loves me
so grateful to feel energzied to feel the energy of life flowing hrough through me
so grateful to take steps to know that
everything always unfolds in perfect timing
so grateful class is easy
and fun and i feel myself getting stronger
and fitter so gratefult o get to do the work
to feel good
to get stronger every time
so grateful to celebrate life
and celebrate this flow
celebrate this flow of life here and now
so gratefult o be her to get to live this day
to get to enjoy this day
to get to feel good ont his day
thank you for this day
thank you for this energy thank you
for this life for this flow
for the flow of god flowing through me
so grateful to feel good to feel god
so gratefult o feel god to feel the flow of god
here and now so gratefl to feel the flow
of god here and now
to feel the flow of god here
and now
so graetful to be here tno
now to do this work to fee t
the energy of life to feel good about myself
and my life to know that i can do it to know that life
is flowing to and through me
so grateful to know that life is flowing to
and through me
i’m here and i feel good so
grateful to
feel good
i’m here and i’m grateful
grateful to get to do this work to get to live this day
to get tc
to ccele
celebrate this day to get to love this day
so gratefult o get to love this day to get to love this day
to get to celebrate this day
to get to focus in the here and now
knowing that my abundance
is my proximity to god
my abundance
is my proximity to god
i’m here and i’m gratefult o be here
experiencing this
creative experience
so grateful for friends
for gifts
for lazy days for so much that i want to do
so grateful for faire and
opportunities flowing to and through us
i know that life loves me an dit
is always working out for me
i love that ig et to
celebrate life here and now
i love that i feel energized i love
feeling the energy of life flowing through me ilove
doing this work because it fels good
i love thatl ife is good
i love that we can order instacare
i love that the bills are paid
that the rent is paid!!!
that we have more than enough!!!
so graeufl to have more than enough
so grateufl life is good
so grateful god loves me that ig et to love
live and love my charmed life
grateful to be here to get to feel good
to get to like myself to
get to love myself to
get to feel good
to get to enjoy life to get to feel the
feeling right here and now
to get to feel the
feeling right here and now
so grateful i feel the feeling of god i feel
the feeling of connection with god
through my consciousness of my god self
i putll
i draw into my mind and feeling natuer
the very substance of spirite
this substace is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply
my consciousness of the presence of god within me is my supply
my id
mind and feeling nature
the very substancce of spirit
this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me is my supply
thus my consciosness of thep rese
presence of god within me is my supply
i’m focused i’m ready i’m god
i know that i am god and my only work
is to celebrate this truth to feel the
certaitnty of it and i’m so grateful i get to
so grateufl o
i get to feel the energy of god feel th flow
the flow of god the flow of god
i get to be god i know i am god and i am
celebrate that kknowledge
i celebrate feeling good i vele
celebrate feeling good i celebrate feel in
feeling god i know that i ma dnd
and i feel the feelig here and now
thank you thank you thank you thankyou
i love
that i know that i get to live my life fully so
grateful to live my life fully
to feel the flow right now to embracet hisd ay
lovet his day
so grateful fo
to lovet his day to feel this day
to celebrate this day
to love
to choose l
to love and feel loved by life so grateful i get to choose
it ig et to feel it i get to do the work i get to
do the work i get to
do the work
so grateful for all our accounts
so grateful our business is thriving
so grateful i love my life that i made for myself
and the only thing i can ever do is live
lead by example
so grateful for this flow
for this in an out
and out so grateflf or this in and out