i’m here

i’m here doing the work the focus i’m here

i’m not wasting time

yes i wasted time lol
and that’s ok!

who cares!!

i can still have a good day i can still focus the energy
and i can salwayr

already feel it focused in al

i can already feel the feeling

i’m here i’m here and i’m foxu

focused on the way i want to feel
on the love i wnat to give o the

gratitude i have for everything in my life

so grateufl i’m here an di get to choose
i get to choose to feel good get o choose eto focus
tof cous onw hat i know

i get tofocus on what i know i get to focus on the energy of

on the feeling on the feeling of life on the feeling
of entering the present moment

so grateful i get to knwo

so grateful i know so grateful i know
i know the feeling of the flow
i know the feeling of the flow
i know

the feeling of the flow the in and out of life
the feeling of god i know that i am god

i’m here doing the work and iw anted this
so grateful that everything iw ant is always flowin to and throguh me

so grateful to do this work to focus here and no w

to do the work to feel the feeling to feel the
feeling to feel the feeling

to feel good now to feel good now to feel good now
i’m here doingthis just fox

focusing on how i feel being aware of how if eel and
that’s all there is and al ir

i already feel better and i didn’t feel bad
but now i feel better and it’s just that
easy just a moments

of fucs that helps me remember who i am
helps me remember he power of me

i get to remember the ower of me
i get tobe the

the poewr of me even this little bit of
focus helped and this is all there is

this is all there is this moment this
forever ow this

and i get to celebrate it
i get to celebrate the beautiful life i amde

embrace it here andnow
i get to embrace and life

love this perfect life i made for myself here and now

i’m here and i’m focused i’


i’m here doing the work and i wanted this
i wanted to akw

wake up feeling good i wanted to do the work first thing
i wanted this iw anted

i wanted this ah yes now i know why i was wasing

wasting time lolHA!

oh well
i love that it just doesn’t matter
i love that i get to love the day
i love

that we get to get our shelf i love the
feleing of good feelings rising up inside of me

reasons to celebrate i love that
there are so many reasons to celebrate
every single day i love that
life loves me i lov that life loves me i love that

there is so much to love i love that i

i feel the feleing of knowing i feel the feeling
of presence in this here and onw i feel the
feleig of the flow

the flow flowing throuhg me
i feel the feleing of yes

i feel the feeling of liking myself
of loving myreality
of loving what is

feeling excited for the blessings that
are always on m

theyir way

i love that its my day i love
allowing the eenrgy to flow i love that
life is on my side i love tat i’m
on the lookout for it
i love that this

feeling is my supply i know that this feeling is my supply
i love that i know that life is so much bigger than we think
i love that i know the power of me i love that
i get to create i love that i
get to create i love that i get to choose i love that
i get to choose to feel how iw atne

want to feel and this is my pwoer i love that i’m here now
doing thie

this work tuning the instrument tha is me i i love
that i get to do this i love that i know who i am
i love that i get to c delebrate

who i am i lov that i
get to celebrate who i am
i love that i get to feel good i a

i love that that

there is is os muhc to love ther eis always so mcuh to love

i love that i’m here now i love that
i feel the enegy

energy of life i love that if eel the

the energy of life flowing through me i love that
i know that is the feeling of god i love that i know i am

the one and only creator

i know that ia m the one and only createor
of me

i ma

i am the one and only creator of me
and i love that i knwo this i love that
this knowledge is my source and my auppl

supply and that this feeling of alignment is
my source and my supply
i love that there is no limit
to this supply

therefore my supply is unlimited
i love that ig et to life

live a good life i love that ig et to ce

celebrate life i love that i get to celebrate life
i love that i dont have to let

JB be myi reason to suffer

i love that i dont ‘have to care
i love that i get

to celebrate

knowing i love that ig et to do
the work that life
ahs called me to do
i love that i get to do the work
that life

has called me to do
i lov that i

i love that i know that life loves me
i love that i know that life loves me

i love that i know htat life loves me

and i am life.