i am aware that i am aware
and that is all that is that is all that matters
that is all of life and the rest doesn’t matter
i love knowing i did my best
i love never having to trade my well being i love that
i know good ideas always come in the flow
i love that i know the flow is flowing
i love that ii know all of life is a feeling
i know that life is the feeling
this is the only work that matters
and the rest is just for fun
i know its only me and i would love it
already love it i think its cool and funny
i love that i get to i love
that i get to feel good that i get to feel
feeling and this is all of life and ntohing else ;matter
s i love that it doesn’t matter
i love
that life brought it to me
i am aware and
i love where i am i love that i
get to choose i love that i get to choose i love
that i get to choose
where i place my attention
how i feel how i ge
go through life wher ei focus
how i feel i kno wthe feleing i know that the
feeling is below it all and that
i can alwys choose teh versoin
that evockes
the feeling but really i’m just choosing teh feeling
and that’s all thre is
the feeling of being aware
fo being aware and
that is teh switch
on or off
on or off the bus
or not
awre = on the bus
i’m here practicing being awre
beucae i know that the more i focus
and am aware
the easier my life unfodls i love that
life is going great ofr me
i love that i got this opportuinty
i love that its flowing i love that
im getting moeh
i l ove thati’m still taking care of me
i love that life is working out form
i love that life is going my way i love that li kn
i know life loves me i love that i know life loves me
i love eeling
feeling the energy flow i love that i can appreciate
and not be attached i love
i truly don’t care what happens i love that
i feel godo i love
that i feel good that i get to feelt he effects
fo the practice
i love that i know its all me
i love that i know
i’ts all me i love that i know its all me
its all me ita
itsa ll the same