i’m here i’m here in the center
in the infinite now im here in the infinnite now
im here why am i here im s
here so i dont lose myself so i remember the power of choosing wha i
prefer of eeling the feeling now i f
of remembering that the feeling is the sourcce i ilove t
ath i now the feeling is the source and ig et to feel it
i get to choose how i want to feel
i’m here i’m here feeling the feeling
of lavish abundance
ad i know that i can allow it i know
that i can allowmore and
the feeling the feeling drives life
the feeling drives the feeling is
everything and i can
i get to celebrate it
i’m here i’m here i’m here
feeling it the center of life im here celebrating the center of life
the feeling of life the feelng of fo
life the feelig of life if the
the feeling of life the feeling of life it
the feeling of life the feeling
of life the feeling of flife
i’m hre ‘m here to remember the power of me
im here to draw attention to the power ofme
the ower
of the power ofme te power of deciding what i prefer
i’m hre feeling the power of me i’m
here feelig
the powr of me the power of me the choice
of me the alignment of me
im here doing thew ork noticing the work
noticing the effecs of the practice im here feeling the effecs of the practice
i’m here feeling
i’m here feeling the feeling i want to feelim
here choosing teh feeling first
choosing teh feeling first
feelig the certainty first and ther st
rest comes
i know its true i know ita ll refelc
reflects the feeling i know thatl ife o
only can i
i know that life always
and only reflects
i love feeling it i love
feeling it i love feelig the
feeling of knowing i loe
feeling the feeling of success i love
feeling successful i love
feeling successful i love the
feelig of feeling good i love loving myself
and my body
i’m here doing me feeling the feeling of me
i’m here doing me feeling the feeling of me
putting me first
i’m here putting me first
i’m here feeling the feeling of me
what do i prefer what do i prefer
what do i prefer to be in joy in myself
to do me to do me
to do me to do me to feel me
to turn my focus within to turn my focus
to turn my focus within to turn
to focus on me to focus on me to focus
o ne mto feel the feeling of me
to feel the
to only care about what im doing
how i feel how i feel
why am i here why am i here
to focus
within on the true sourcce
the real ourcce
the only source
the only sourcce i
m here
to focus on the real source
i’m here to rememerr the only sourcce is
inside the only sourcce is the
feeling of me and the i now
knowing that i can
i get to choose how i feel first
what do i prefer what do i prefer
i prefer to have a good day i prefer to feel good to feel sure
to feel knowing to feel happy to feel the
the joyous occasion
of today to know that life is ec
celebrating me today and its os eay
to remember its os eay
easy to return to center
to return to the center of me
its so easy to feel the center of me
to not allow anything to get to me
i’m here doing this work
and i’m taking my time because right now
all ther is this work is all there is
this work is all there is
in the infinite now
this work is all there is in the infinite now
i am totally fulfilled
i am totally fulfilled
in the here and now i am totally fulfilled
i am
totally fulfilled
i am here and now i am here and now
i am focus i m
i know who i am what i am
i’m here remembering that get to shc
choose just choose something else
then its that
easy just choose something else then
its ath
that easy
what would i prefer
to have fun and feel good
what do i want what do i prefer
how i do i want to feel i wnat ot feel good
celebrate life have fun
i love having fun i love a beautifl day
i love our nieghborhood
i love
having fun
i love remembering im the sourcce
of it
all i love that i know its flowing
easily and effortlessly
i get to choose
i get to choose ot have fun
i get to
choose to tnejoy
to enjoy life
to allow life to enjoy me
to know its the best one
ever to know is the best on ever
im here to remember the feeling ofm e
the feeling of god
the feeling of the choice
of what i prefer and then it is
i get to chooe what i rpefer and then
it is
i love that i know and i get to come
here to remember i love that i come here to remember
because it works i come here to remember i
and its work
its a tuning its a feeling
its feeling for a feeling and that
feeling is always there
there that feeling is always there
its in me its nowhere else
its in me and its nowhere welse
i love that i know it and get to feel it
constantly i love that i get to feel for
it and feel for it and feel for it i loe that i
et to feel it i love that i get to feel it
and then it is i know this i know
i know this its all a feeling as long as i get
can feel the feeling of it
it already is
as long as i can feel the feeling of it
it already is
i know it already is