im here

im here not leaving my integrity
not creating problems

i’m here not creating robll
problems im here not ccreating problems
i m here not creating problems

i’m here doing me i’m here doing me
and that’s all i can do is be aware i am aware

i ama ware

i am aware that i am affected im aware that im annoyed

i’m aware that i’m left out i’m aware that it affects me
it makes me want to punish people
it makes me mad i’m aware that ia m
am mad i’m aware that i am mad

i’m aware i’m aware im making problems
i dont have to make problmes i dont have to ccare

i can deeply accept everything that is i can

accept this day for me i can enjoy this day for me i can
feel the flow for m e

i can do the work for me feel the flow for me i can
feel good go

for me enjoy the day for me allowt he work
to flow for me

i can feel good now and nothing can stop me i can
get to feel good now and nothing can sotp

stop me i can choose to feel good now and nothing can
stop me i get to choose
to feel good now and nothing can sotp me

feeling good its eayt o feel good its eay to not th
let things get to me its easy to not care
its easy to not care

its easy tnot to

its easy tot turn
turn the boat its easy to put my attentio on somehting else
its esay to put

my wattention on something else
its easy tnot to care
its easy to see it for what it is

its wasy to let the rest go its easy
to nt care

create problems
its easy to not need to change a thing
tis easy to ease and flow

its easy to feel good and havve a good day
its eay to

feel good and have a good day

no one did anything wrong itsme its
its only ever me its ino

only ever me wanting to punish her for
something she didn’t even do
when she was really doing exactly wht i wanted her to do

im just disappointed
im dispapointed i care i guess that ‘s the real work
thea’t that

the real work i just want to have a good day i just want to have a good day

i wnat to feel good i want to hae fun

i can feel good i can hae a good day
i can

feel good i can feel good i can
let it all go dna h
and have a good day its eay to have t a

a good day

im only punishing myself
for caring that would e all it would be
and then i would hae to work
to be
get back to where we were
because i wanted to punish her form
something th
she didn’t even do
but it hurts all the sam e
its hurts

its easier to love its easier to feel good its easier to have a good day
to have fun
and it just doesnt matter it s

its fake its looking fr problems
and i dont care i reall dont care

i d

really dont care im happy im happy
im getting what i want im
always getting everything iw ant

im always getting everything i want os
so i get to be happy its eyas to flip the switch

its easy to flip the switch and sa

say thank you becusee im getting what im
want i

its easy to flip the switch and say thank you
becuase im getting what i want