i can feel the difference
when i’m allowing
weird fights
aggressions t
aggression to p
to play out in my head i feel tired
tense and mad and
fed up with life
but when i make it a point to vibrate
on the frequency of
gratitude then i feel much better and i know that
the only way to get better at
to choose where i place my focus is to practice
and i know that
this work is what helps me practice
what helps me flex the gratitude muscle
to look at everything that i have
to be grateful for and its so
so so so so much
i have
so much
to be grateful for
i feel good i feel good i feel the
frequency the connection to life
and i know that
the instant i start
to vibrate on the frequency
i see the gifts i see the
gifts that
are constantly
trying to pour into my reality
and i nkow it’s
only eaver
ever a feeling i know it’s
only ever a feeling
my inner supply instantly
and constantly takes on form
and experience according
my inner supply instantly and constantly
takes on form and experience according to my
needs and desires
and as the principle of supply in action
it’s impossible for me to
have any unfulfilled needs or desires
i renounce my humanhood and
claim my divine inheritance
i renounce my humanhood
and claim my divine inheritance
i am in the frequency
i’m in the frequency of allowing
i’m in the frequency
i’m here i’m in teh f
the frequnec
frequency of calm bliss
i don’t have to choose to worry
to look for the best to think about
outcomes to think about anything
outside of the now
i can let go right now
thank you thank you thank you
thank you
thank you thank you
inner supply instantly
and constantly takes on form
and experience according to my needs
and desires and
as the principle of
supply in action
it’s impossible for me
to have any unfulfilled
needs or desires
and constantly
i don’t have to choose
those thoughts i don’t have
to chosoe tho
those thoughts i can
flex the muscle and feel better
i can flex the muslce and let
let it go
let go the made up problems of the
mind and get on the
of gratitude
i’m on the frequency
i’m on the frequency
of gratitude
i claim my divine inheritance
as a being of god
i claim my divine inheritance
i get on the frequency so
i let go of the rest i bring my foucs
toward gratitude
toward all in my life
that is such
a blessing
instantly and constantly
instantly and constantly
responding to my thoughts
feelings mostly how i feel
life is always responding to how i feel
and how i feel is a reflection
of my proximity to god
and he bett
the better i feel that is an indicator
that i’m getting closer to god
becuase when i look at it like god would
i feel better
thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you
the divine presence that i am
is forever epxres
my inner supply
instantly and constantly
takes on form and experience
a ccor
according to my needs and desires
i’m here to tune i ‘m here
here to tune my vibration
tuning to the vibration of god
so grateful i know everything will work
and that worrying is optional
so grateful for all the abundance in my life
for pops!!
for my gram
tramily for my beautiful house
that i love
thank you
thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you
instantly and constantly
thank you
thank you
i’m tuned i’m
i’m turned on
thank you]
i release the tension
i release the holding
on the
need for things to be a certain way
i release the false narrative
i release feeling out of control
i release
the fear of the unknown
i release
i release it all into the
ground i release it all into the ground
and ground myself in the energy of god
i know i’ts oing
not doing any good to worry about that
i know it’s not doing any good
to wonder
using p energy wondering
so i can turn myself
my attention toward center
i turn my attention toward center and
let go fot
of the choice to worry
i don’ ht
have to worry and it doesn’t solve anything
so i can just
vibrate with god
i vibrate with god
that’s all i can all i can do
is vibrate with god is enjoy this day this moment
this breath
i enjoy this here and now
and i release
the false narrative
i can always release the
false narrative
i know life can fill in the blanks and its not up to me
its not up to me to o
worry and worrying doesn’t solve anything
i can do it i can bless the day
and i can release the worry thoughts
they don’t do anything
so now i let them go
and allow myself to say
thank you
thank you for everything i already
have in this here and now
i tune to god i feel how god would feel
and i release the
made up problems of the mind
i know it’s up to me
what frequency i operate on
i don’t have to worry i don’t have to
wonder i don’ thave
have to worry i don’t have to wonder
i just relax into the here and now
instantly and constantly
thank you thank you
thank you thank you
thank you
thank you thank you
thank you