i’m here now i’m here now

i’m here now i’m me i’m god
i’m god i’m the god self i love the god self

feeling the god energy making the choice
making the god choice
so grateful to make the god choice

grateful to make this choice
to make this choice to feel this feeling to feel this
feeling so gratefl to feel the flow
to feel the flow of god dlowing
flowing thoruhg

through me so gratefult o
feel the flow of god flowing through me
to feel the flow
of god flowing through me

so grateful for who i am
for what i am
to know that it’s all energy to know that
everything is energy to

relax into that truth so
grateful to relax into the truth
so grateful to relax into knowing
so grateful to relax into knowing to

relax into knowing

to relax into knowing to relax into knowing

know to know what i am to return always
return to source to know source to know that
i am mthe

the source and the supply
grateufl i

already know that i am the source
and the supply
so grateful i already have it all
so gratefl i know t
hat my life

is solved

thank you

grateful to do this work to feel this
energy to feel this focus to know the focus
to know

the choice to make the choice
to know that it’s easy to make the
choice it’s easy t
o make t

it’s easy to make the choice to allow god
to allow god to feel good now its easy
to allow
to feel good now to feel god now

to feel god now its easy to feel good nw
god now so grateful to do this work
the god work the god work

the god work

the focus work the focus
work the focus work

the focus work the
focus work the focus
work the focus

work the focus
work the only wrok
the only work

the only work

the focus work tho

through my consciousness of my god self
the christ with

within as my suppy

i draw into my mind and
feeling nature
the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence
of god within me
is my supply

i know this i know
i am

i know that
i am only energy only vibratoin
only vibration

only vibration

i love that i know i love
that i know right now
i love that
i know right now
that i

get to choose
i get to choosei get to choose
i get to choose

i get to choose
i get to choose
i get to be
i get to be god i love that i know i

it already is it already is the way i want it to be

the wa

through my consciousness of my god
self the christ within as my supplly

i draw into my mind anf eff

and feelig nature
nature the very substance of spirit
this subsnta

substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the
presence of god within me
is my supply

my consciousness
of the presence of god within me
is my supply

i love that i know this i love that i
get to feel good i love that i get to feel good i love that
i get to feel goo i love that

get to feel

i know the truth i know the truth
i know the turht

today is all in eed

today is all i need i love that i know ths
i love that i know this i love
that i get to chooe it

choose it

make the choice make the choice
to be deep into the work to know the work
more than eever

to remember the power more than ever to jump
into to jump into it
to jump into it
jump into it

jump into the flow into the flow
into the god self into the god self
into the god self into the god self

into the god self jump

thank you thank you

thank you i know i know i know the
truth f life

of life i know the feeling of alignment
i know that life gives me the fig

gift of that feeling
the gift of that feeling i love that life

gives me the gift of god
of knowing that i’m god
of being god of accepting everything that

of getting out of the way of the rest

i know all there is is god
i know all there is is well

i know that my life already is perfect
i know that my life

already is perfect

i love that i already have it all i love
that i already have everything that

i need i love that i know this

i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the
presence of god within me
is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god within me
i love

is my supply i love that i know this i love
that life
that life helps me focus i love that
life helps me focus i love that

life always knows i love that i know none of it
matters i love that i know i love that i can

always i can always flip the switch i love
that i’ve found total satisfaction i

love that i alrady

already am totally satisfied
i love that i already am totally satisfied

i love that it already is the way
i want it to be i love that i feel a waind

i love feeling the winds of god flow

blow through me

i’m god i’m allowing well being
i love that i can allow love i can allow
well being to flow i can always choose

the other side of the wave i can
always choose certainty
i can always choose the other side of the
wave i can