in joy in myself

it feels good to allow the work
to work to allow the energy to flow
through me

i’m so grateful for how far i’ve
come that i know that i know that i knw
that i know

that i know that the energy is always there and
i can always trust the

river of flow to pick me up again
when i release the weight dragging me
to the bottom
it feels good to release the weight

to actively release the weight and float
back to the top i love that i
get to

thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you

thank you for this here and now
for the god self within for the perspective to know
that it is all energy i love that
the work is working i love that

i am there i love that i am
transmuting the energy i am looking
for what i want to see and i am aware of
how i feel i am

aware of how i feel and am

milking the feelings of how i want to feel
because i know those feelings are just
as real

i always have access tothe f
to the full range of emotions and i don’t
need something outside of me

to bring them about

it’s the opposite

i feel how i want to feel and
then life reflects that feeling and it’s
all very simple

it’s all very simple
it’s a


i love feeling the effects of the practice i love making the choice
to cele

elevate my self and my vibration
i love feeling the effects of the par

practice i love feeling
the flow flowing through me i love

feeling elevated i love feeling
good i love feeling elevated i love
feeling good i love

feelingg ood i love that i know i can
i love

feelig th
the effects of the practice i love the

feeling the feeling ofn o
not caring

i love feeling tuned in tapped in turned on
i love feeling the feeling
of not being attached to what happens
i love feeling the feeling

connection and love for everything that
happens i feel the effects of the practice i feel
myself practicing

looking for what i want to see looking
for opportunties to decide

allow i am lookiing for opportunities to transmute to
choose to feel how i want to feela nd
and i know the more i choose to feel how i want to feel

easier it gts and this is the scicen
i know it is a science

it is real i know this is real i kow
this is real and this is the

secret to life i know i know
the secre to life to life

fell the
feel then see look fo
for what i want to see and see it

and i know that’s it i love cultivating
the feeling of knowing with i
within me i love that when i lo

let go it flows i love that when i l
let go it flows when i let go it flows and
the mre

i focus on the flow the more
it flows lookf
for the
look for


i’m here
i’m here

in there here and now and
i’m loving it!!!

so gratefult o be
to be back in there

the here and now the vortex
of creation so

grateful to allow the flow to take me for
a ride

so grateful to allow the flow to take
me for

a ride i am allowing the flow to do it
i a

allow the flow to do it i am

here and now
allowins the
the flow to do it

i know it’s god’s job

so i let god do it and i just observe

i am the
observer of god
and i am god

because god is everything so i observe it as god
and then it happens without me doing anything
and that is also

it happens without me
it’s not me i’m not t
i don’t

make it
it happens life happens life undod

unfolds how i expect it to
i feel then see i feel then see and


brave i am
in letting go in leaping and allowing
the net to appear i

allow the net to appear i allow the net go appear
to appear i allow the net to appear i allow

the net to appear
i allow the net to appear

i never have to worry or
wonder i can just feel the feeling
and it feels good to tune in tap in
turn on and allow the
flow to flow ia m

allowing the flow to flow