it doesn’t have to matter

i can focu on have a g
havgin a good day i can focus on having a good day
i can enjoy mye
myself here and now i can

i can in
fing find god i can focus on god i cn
focus on god i

can focus
on god i can feel good and hae
conversations i can dsay
say yes to geogod

all there is is god and all there is is
i am

i can choose not to care ic an
choose not to care

i can hoos
choosee not to care i can let it go i can fid
god i can turn towa

to god i can allo tgo
god to resolve it i can allow god to
resolve it i can

put t
it c
in gods hand a
ihand si can put it in gods hands
i can do me i can chooee m

and i nkwo that is my power i choose me i chosoe
hwo i feel and that is my power i choos teh power of me
and n

nothing else matters and i love that i get ot i love that
i know that
that’s haow
how i transcend i choosee the power of me
i choose thep oweer of me
i choose the power of me
and i love that i get to i love that
i get
to i lvoe that i get o i love that
i ge

i dont have to care i love that i dont have to caree
i love that i get ot feel good noa i get

ic an always drop it dcna
and feel god let

god eal with with becuae its not my peorbl e
problem and i lvoe that i

get geto

to choose tha t
i dont h

have to ccare becaues i am
i am
and sthat’s all that mattera adn i know all
i can co id

do is get out of thew a i know
i can never care i don t
i kn

i choose how if eel i choose how if eel
so grateful for the time and sapace
to choose
how if eel so

grateful for the tiem
for the practice for the knowledge
of the one and only ruth

that only ic an choose how i feel that i can
cast it on the god within and let it go
i love that i get to i love that i get to feel good
instead its eay s

eay to turn the boat to decide not to care
to ma

choose the power of not caring to ch

choose thep ower of not caring i love that

the power of me i love that i am allowign the est in

life had to
has to offer i am allowing the best life has to offer i


am allowing the best life has to offer and o
i dont have to care aobu

i am allowing i dont have to care
i focus on me

i focus on how i feel on the person i want to be on
the peson

i dont have to ccare all there is is am

i am and the rest doeesn’t matter and i now the power
of this truth i now i alareyd have it all
and god is doing it i know i arealdy have it all
and god is doing it

i get to feel good and thas’ fo
for no reason other than i know life follwos nd i

i want to have a good day i awan tot
to be a good person

i wnat to life
live eiwht
with god i want to live with god i want
to live with god

i want to live with god
i am god i wnat to

i am the god self i am the god self
and its
so easy for me to not ccare
becaue it doesnt matter!!!

it dotn’s matter i lovet hat i nothign matters i love that
i dont havet o ccaree about at thing
or do a thing

just be alll i can do

is be all i can do is gdt out of the way
all i can do is focus on how iw ant to feel and
feel it ia ll

all ic an do is eel
how iw atn to feel right now
right now and know
now that

knwo that life follows

i feel good because i now im god and life
follows the feeling and that

all that matters decidd to enjoy life now j
decide to go to god and feel the

releasae the freedom the freedom that comes with
the freedom of being a complete person a whole person
and im brave enough to do it

i am beave

brave enough to set myself free by not caring

i get to feel god in my heart and
that is ll there is and i know

through experience that that is theanser
to everything
and i love that i get to choosee it i ilove

that i get to choose it hwer

here and now i get to
choose god i get to let that go

in favor of i am

favor of feeling good and enjoying life
enjoying my connection with god enjoying life

enjoying love and being happy
that is all i want an di know that is up to me

i know that i get to choos to be that person
an i know i can c
set myself free by not caring i love that
i get to

and i love that life teachees me i love that i am
brave enough to not care

i’m brave enough not to care and i loe that i get t
o t

to feel the energy of life

there is only one power and i knwo this

its my poewr there is only one power and i knwo t
this its my power