it feels good to allow the magick of life

to say it in the air to choose the
feeling now to choose i love that the flow is flowing
i love that i get o say thank o

for the good parts

i know i can only feel good now
and that’s all i can

ever do is feel good now so
i am making the choice to do the work to


let go to ride the lightning bolt i love that
i am ready to ride the

the bolt i am ready to ride the bolt
t allow themagick to

do the helaing i am
allowing the healing powe of god
to helpm

me and

and through the focus i will
feel better
through gathering momentum
and remembiner who i

i rell

really am
it feels good to allow the energy of wh ia m
really am it feels good to feel ike

like my best self in this here and now
it feels good to feel the

best i’ve ever felt
it feel g


feels good t allow the healing power
of god to

flow over m i

it feels good to l
let go of old patterns to feel the
feeling now it fee
it feels good to



let go of old patterns
and let my garned grow

it feels good to make the choice for me a

in this here and now it feels good to

i don’t have to wonder i know that
i neve have

have to wonder i know that i never
have to woner i know
that i never havet o wonder i love
that i dont’h ai love
that i love that i get o

to make the choice for me

i love that i get to choose i love that life
loves me i love that life

loves me i love that ther eis always

more than enough i love that i
et t

get to do the work for me right now
and there is only ever right now and i
get to feel the magick in this right now i love
that i get to feel the feeling in
this right now i love

doing the work i love
choosing the thoughts i love
the better it gerts i love

i love making the choice to
gather momentum i love
making the choice to feel good about
mysel fi love

i live

i love making the choice i love

better it gets i love that life is good i love
that life is good now i love
tha tlife i

that life is good now i love
that life is good in this here and now i love
that life is g

i love the power of the focus i love
that i get to choose t

it now i love thati get to
be now

me now i love that i don ‘thave to
be mad anymor i can let go of the anget i can let go
of the anget i can let it
go and jst

just be my best self i love
doing the work i love doing the only
work that matters adn i love making

time to allow god to flow thorugh m
em life i love making the time to allow god
to be

my life i love making the time to feel
good int his ehre

here and now i love
feeling relief i love that i
can forgive myself i love
tat i get to feel good and
about lfe

my life in this right now

my life inthis here and now
and i nkow that is all that matert

matters the feeling ithsi
this here and now and i know
i can free myself fromt he rest

i can set myself free in this
here and now i love that i feel free i love
that i am allowing the flow to
flow through me i love tha tlife i sgood for me i love that life is good for me

i love that i
get to make the choice to feel good now
to allow life to flow through me i love
that i get to love myself i love that i get to
feel the feeling that i

get to allow the energy to flow through m
ena di get to do it now i love that hi

i know this is

real as rael as it
gets and i know i am the creator i love that i
do not havet o care i love
that i get to do the work in thie

the air i love that i get to do the work
in the ari i love that i get to feel good about
m yself and allow the flow of life
to flow through mei love
that i love that i

get to feel good now i love that i
do not have to care because i know life only
reflects me i love doing the wor

the only wr

work that matters i love
that i can

always remember who i am i love
that i

can always remember who i am i love
that life happens perfectly for me i love that
life i sgood i love
that i ge tto feel the


magick of life right now i love
that i get to feel the magick of life right now i love
that i

do not

have to care

just focus in the here and now
and that’a ll a

all that matters i get to feel
good now i f

get to feel the feeling rh

right now and that’a

all that matters

i can let the rest go i don ‘t

need it any more

so i let that go i let that aspect of me
go so i can let my garden grow

i love doing the work and feeling
good i love feeling like my best self i love
where iam in this here and now