to know the magick of life it
feels good toknow
to know the magick of life
to feel elevated it feels good
to feel elevated to a magickal level
to feel connected to source to say
yes thank you
it feels good to feel good to
be grateful to lov
grateful to feel better
grateful to feel
to feel good to know life
will work out for me to know
that life loves me it feels good
to know that life
loves me it
feels good to know that life loves me that
life loves me
so excited for the next phase of my life!!
so excited life is working out for me
so grateful i can support myself
grateful we’re on the way up
so grateful we’re on the way up
so grateful to feel good to do the work
and feel good and know that
it’s only ever me
so grateful to be able to breath
to move on to the next phase of my life
to feel good so
grateful to feel good
so grateful i know i am
god in human form so
grateful to forgive to learn to forgive
to just let it all go it feels
good to let it all go to let it all go