it feels good to feel good to make the choice to have a good day
and allow the flow to say thank you
the flow to flow through
knowing non person place or condition is my supply
and it’s a breath in and a breath out
it feels good to make the choicet o feel good today
to feel good today to let go of everything and know that
i love that i know money is
not my supply
no person place or condition is my supply
my awareness
understanding and knowledge of the all providing activity of
the divine mind within me is my supply
my consciousness of this
truth is unlimited
my supply is unlimited
i know how i feel isn’t based
on circumstances and i can choose to enjoy the day
any day
i can choose to ease and flow through the day
and say thank you
to every moment
i can choose to say thank you for
every moment
i enjoy this here and now and say
thank you i enjoy this here and now and say thank you
tot he flow to the flow of well being i say
thank you to the flow
the flow is flowing through me and i can tto make
to make the choice to have a good
day to enjoy this here and now
to enjoy this here and now
i can let it go and let it come to me i let it
go and let it come to me i let it go and let
allow it to flow through me allow it
to flow through me
i can do it i can feel good now
i can feel good now
i love that i can let go i can let go
and just enjoy the day
remembering that nothing has to chan ge
that the condition is not my supply
and when the condition is reached
it will not change who i am i know that the
condition is not my supply and that
my non action is more powerful than my action
i know that the flow is flowing and ic ant
it can only reflect me it
can only reflect me
life can only reflect me love
can only reflect me i know that i don’t havet o
to trouble myself with conditions
because that is not my supply
my consciousness of the god wtihin
within me is my supply
and that is all i need
so i just get out of th way
the way of the rest
i get out of the way
of the rest i get out of the way of the rest
i get out of the way
of the rest and i make the choice to feel good
i know it just doesn’t matter and
i can let it go nothing matters
this one thing i think i need
that i’ve gotten myself all wrapped around
doesnt matter
this one thing
i think i need
i knwo that if
i know that i can let go of it
and find the supply within and that the supply within
will take care of it
i know that the supply is within and that
when go knows i want something
it comes when go knows i want something
it comes then and there and i never have to worry or wonder
i an just can just let it unfold
unfold and know that it just doens’t matter
i can choose to feel good now i make the hcoice to feel good now
i kn
i know my awareness
understanding and knowledge of the
all providing activity of the divine mind
within me
is all i need i know that
is all i need is
is the knowledge that i already have
everything and today i can focus on feelin g
the feeling i would feel if i already had it
i feel at ease i feel the flow i feel
organized put together
ii feel i feel put together
i feel a knowing that everything
is in it’s place
i can let it go and let it come to me
i can enjoy this right now i
can trasmute the
yearning into
into self awareness
i can turn the yearning within
and know
that i
if i feel i am missing something
i can always find what i seek
when i look within
i know that life is always flowing through me
and i can trust that
i can just let it go
i don’t need it i don’t havee to
to care i do not have to care i can
let it go and trust the flow i let it go
and trust the flow i let it go
and trust the flow i love that
it’s easy to trust the flow i love that
life loves me i love that
life loves me i love that there is so much to love
and i can always line up the energy i can always line up the energy i can
line up the energy
i don’t have to care i
i don’t have to care and i now it’s
a manifestation of soemthing
of thinking
of thinking there isn’t enough i know there
always is and i can just turn my
attention within
no person place or condition is my
this condition won’t make me happy
i can choose to feel happy right now
to know that i have enough right now i can
choose to feel good right now
getting so mad
at myself for spending the money i could
have spent on furniture on food
mad at other people for pressuring me
mad at myself for allowing myself to
be pressured
but no more!!
today i renounce my humnahood
humnanhood and live my best life
today i live my best life
today i say thank you for everything that is
i look for reasons to feel good i look for the flow
look for abundance and feel gratitude
for what i have and i don’t have to care
that other people don’t have the same priorities
i can focus on