it is a good one

it is a good one it was a good one im
lucky i know how lucky i am i know how lucky i am i kno

how lucky i am i know how lucky i am

i can do i i can do it

i can forgive myself
i can imagine it the way i want it to be i
can be strong i can handle it i can
trust god i can deel
feel the feelign now i get to choose
the feleing and tha’s all there is
i get to feel the
feeling now and that’ all there is

its just for fun and i know
the breath in makes the breath out i know and i trust
it i know i know i know i trust
how far ive come i bless how far ive ccome

i cn look for what i want to see i can
do thi work until it works i ge tto do this
wro un

util it works and it always works i knwew
i knew i knew i wat
was letting go dna i thought i didn’t need it but

its fun when its fun and i aget to let it
just be fun i know tomorow is a new day i know every day
is a new day i know

i know every day is ai knew
a new day i believe in myself i believe in myself
i believe in love i know

i know when i left my integrity i know
i know it was that maess
that message i left my integrity when
that message came in i lost

completely lost my shit

for what and it was nothing and
then i invent a whole non existent sage

saga when i could be having fun

a whole non existent sage

saga when she didnt do anything
but try to say good morning so sweetly

so sweetly
and what do i do i fuck it up i fuck it up i fuck it up
i take it the wrong way i take everything the wront

wrong way and i ruin i ti r

i ruin eveyrthing i ruin everything i
ruin everything i hate myself i hate myself yes i ahte myself
i ruine verything

the feeling is the secret and im
tired of pretending it isn’t
i know i know that

i know i know the feeling drives eveything
and if im looking otusid eof me
thinking something outside f me
is real then that measn

ive forgotten the one truth
the feeling drives and the molecules follow
i know this is truth and

at a ccertain point i can decide o stop stuff
suffering and im so grateufl ia m aware
of how to stiop i know ow t
how to stop soffer

suffering and i get to choos to do it over and over i love
that i get to learn over and over and it always gets easier
i love that i get to vve

be a good person i love that i get
to become a better person

god through knowing that god i in every
everything i know that the work works the work works

the wor

the reading works the wo
writing works i know ths i knwo this
i know its helps me i know is important
to me i know
its important to me

i know i know the one truth i know
i know i release all seeking and allow life
that’s all ic an ever do that

that’s all i can ever do there’s nothing to
be found in seeking i know there s nothing to
be found in seeking i lvoe that
i c
get to do it over and over with confident
because i know its only
me and when i swithc
does everything else i love that
i et to remember who i am that

life always helps me i know that life always helps me
i knwo i can do it i knwo ic an do it i know that

i can do it i know that i can do it
and i know that id o it but
by releasing attachemnt
i get to release attachment

i lvoe that i get to i know
i love that i know how i love that i know how to dirve with
the feeling and look for what i want to see i love
that i

get to practice constant gratitude
i love that i get ot i love that d

i get to practice constant
gratitude i get to practice constant gratitude
i get
to practice love for no reason
i get to be the soruce i
get to be the one who love i get to love

elt the rest go is that how i watn to be
such a jealous and bitter perosn
and that’s not who iam
and im

grateufl to life for showing me im
grateuflto life for showing me
becuase i lo

love is all around ove i s

isa ll around i get to choose how i feel about life
ig et to choose how i feel

about life and life show me

shows me life shows me th
me that love is all aroudn live

life shows me that love is all aorund
life shows me
life shos me i know i kno i can lead

i get to elad with the feelng i get to wake up
feeling good i get to do this work

becuse i get it works i get to

keep up the good work i d
get to do the work for me i get to se
to see myself i get to be awrae o fm

of myself i get to
to be wra

awrae of myself i know

i think the good outweighs the bad
i think im a good person i think im
pleasant to be around i think
im fun
i know im fun

i know im fun
i knowi’m

i know i’m kind i know i’m loving i know i knwo
i know they love me i know i nkow they do i know they

i wish i w
could break free

i trust the shackles of my own creation
i trust the i trust the fu
