i love that i know everything is a mindset
and that i am aware enough
to observe my mindset
observer my expectations
beliefs and i know that it’s easy to change
then i can
them i can massage them
and turn them and
iterate on them
until what i want to believe i what i actually
and i know this
i can look for what i want to see
i can look for the version i prefer
i can celebrate the version i prefer
because it already is and
all it takes is focus i love
that i get to remember that i’m always
exactly what i want
and it feels good to remember that
ti fee
it feels good to celebrate that ve
the version of life i prefer
i love that i get to choose
i love that i get toh
to choose i get to choose for the
feel for the thoughts
and the beliefs that resonate
that feel good and then i canthink
and eventually believe them
and i nkow that
i get to choose where
my focus
where my focus is
how i feel