it’s all what i think about

what i look for what i expect waht i f

what i focus on

i feel good i feel the focus shifting
and realizing that i do have what i want
i am

always getting what i want
and that i get to focus on that
it feels good tof

feel good in my life it feels good to feel
good to feel at ease in life
to feel at ease in life

i feel good i feel relaxed
i feel knwoing

i feel calmly blissful
i feel calmly bilssful

i feel energized i feel energized
i feel

at ease i remembered
to focus on what i want i knkow
it’s just a feeling it’s a feeling

it feels good to be aware

it feels good to feel good in my life
to be grateful for what i have to be
grateful to all that comes my way

to remember that i once
wanted what i have

all i wanted
was to be able to pay the
and i can do that
all i wanted
and i can do that now

it it feels good to remember
that when i notice it
i get more of it

and it feels even better to just let
go of everthing and just
enjoy this here andnow
and now and bask

i feel good in my life
i feel proud of who i am
i feel confident in who iam i

feel confident in my powers as a withc

am i choosing
or am i wondering

which would a powerful witch do?

i choose it i choose
to knkow it s

it my blood
in my bones

in the bones of my bones

i choose the wisdom of it

not just the knowledge

but the wisdom

i choose my powers i choose to allow my powers

i feel of sense of knowing
i feel a sense of positive expectation
i feel good about my life

i feel proud of myself and who i am
i feel certain i feel

accepting of the praise

i accept and welcome the praise

today i feel good today i came to a lot

i feel at ease in this moment
i feel grateful for this moment i feel
grateful for this moment
i feel
grateful for this moment i feel

grateful for this moment

i feel the wisdom of life filling

veins more than my veins
the veins of my veins
the molecules of

my complete emptiness

i feel so good at my

in my ife i am
focused i am focused

on allowing
on celebrating th

my succes in this here and now
on chooseing
the choosing

i feel the magick of life flowing
through me

i choose the i choose i choose

i choose the flow i hcoose
i choose the ver
version i prefer

i choose the
version i prefer
i choose

i am powerfuli know
i know the powerful me

i know the powerful me

i feel relieved

i feel knowing i feel
the wisdom

i feel the wisdom

of life i feel the
wisdom of life

i feel the
i feel the wisdom of life
i love


it feels good to feel good and just allow
the feeling it feels good to feel
good and just allow the feeling

just milk it feels good to
let o

go and just allow the feeling.