to have a good day to fcous to remember the focus
to remember the only work that matters to remember the only work that matters
i can do it i can release i can come back to cetner
i can be my own source i can become it then see it
i practicce it then i am it i am the sourcce
of feeling good ia mthe source of my good day i know its up to me
i love that im too powerful
and i know i create more of what i pay attention to
i know i am the one and only creator of me
and whative
whatever i pay attention to is what i get
i know the power of me know the power of me
i know what i pay attention to i see i nkow what i pay
attention to i see
i know i am the source i nkow the source
of me i know its not outside of me
i know that th
nothing can affect how i feel i now that i can protect my energy
and i get to choose how i prefer to feel i know that
life is always helps me
helping me life is alawys on my side
life is always giving me what im paying attention
to what im n
whatever im noticing
im getting more of so in every omemtn i can look for
what i
szng go to see i can look for what i want to see
and i can always find it i know the power of me i know the power of me
i know the power of the choice i know the
the power to feel good to feel the flow
flwoing through me i know the power of me i know the poweer of the
choic ei kow the power of the energy
and an
an off day alawy
always helps me have an on day
and i knwo it was an on
day anyway
i love that ig et to have a good
get to have a god day i love
that i get to love
because i am none who
one who lovees i get to love becaus i am
one ehow
who loves i get to feel good
i get to be god i get to be god today
i get to ‘know
i get to choos knowing i get to choose knwoing
i get to chooe knwoing
that ia m the one and only creator of my life
through my consciousness of my god self
i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substancce fo spirit
this isbust
substance is my supply
thus my consciousenss of the presence of god within me is my supply
this substance is love
therefore my consciousenss of the presence of god within me is that only
the only love iw ill ever feel
i get to have ag ood day i
get to ccelebate the weekedn
i get to look for what i want to see
get to celebrate my abundance
get to celebrate my wealth
get to
celebrate the feeling of yes
knwoing tis alayw a
there its alway shte
get to feel good now get to feel good now
get to feel the
flow now get to feel god now
knowing that ima
god i get to celebrate the day
knwoing that whateve ri look for i see
whatever i pay attention to i see more and mroe mo
of i love that i get to i love tha t
i get to and th
tis that easy i i love that ig et to and its that easy
i loe
i love that i get to and tis that easy
i get to feel good get to feel god
get ti know i am god get ti know
to know when it
i ask it is given get to ccelebate
when i ask it is
given get to feel the feeling of knwoing
get to ccreate
in every moment get to have fun
get to cen
enjoy the day get to have a good day
so excited to get to have a good day
no matter what to
take ccare of the only work that mattesr
to feel love to feel surrounded by love
to feel so wealty in my life
to love my life
to feel so grateful for all that i have
to have a good live
so grateful for a good life
for the feeling of god flowing htorugh me
for the knowing of god
for the celebbrate of god
thank you for the ccelebrate of god
that god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich onmipresent substnace of the universe
this all providing source
of infinie prosperity
is individualized as me
i get to have a good day
no matter what becausee im god
i get to have a good day no mater what
because im god
i get to be in the flow and i never
have to ccare what
someone else does because it doens affect me
it doest affect my aility to feel good
to know that i am god
to choose the vesion i prefer and i know its hard
in the moment but
i can always come back heere and focus and feel good
ic an al
always come bac ehre to feel the feeling of me
to feel the certaintty of me t
to feel the certainty of whatever is
that ig et to celebrate life
as the one and only creator of my existence
and feeling gods lavishness
thrown at me constantly
instantly and constantly
i know that i feel it then i see it and i
i know i am the one and only creator
i get to have fun
and create today!
i love that i can do it i love
the easier ti gets i love that i can handle anything thse
these days i love that im getting better i love that
im getting better i love the
seeing the effects of the practice