its easy to feel good to feel good to feel

i love doing the work i love
wakingup feeling good and knowing
that verything is going my wya i love

being in the practice of feeling good i love
being in the practice of feeling good i love
thepower of the

the power of the focus i love
the power of the focus i love

i love feeling at ease in my life i love
feeling the ease and flow of life flowing
through me i love that i know

when i ask

it is given

its easy to feel good its easy t
to allow the flow of life

breath through me i love that
life is flowing easily through me i love that
i know everything is trying to help me
i love that i can let go

of the fear

fear of life i love that i don’t have to be afraid of life i love
that i
never have to wonder if life loves me i love
that the worka wlays work s
i love that this

this work helps me feel beter

the work helps me feel better i love
that this work helps me feel better
i love doing the the
doing the good work i love
doing the good work i love doing this work
feeling good i love wkaing up

waking up feelling good i love
that i gto

got to get up early i love
that there is so much to love i love that
i can let the rest go i love
that i get ot feel good now

yes thank you yes thank you
yes tank you yes thank you

that is a signal of certainty
when i send the signal of

that is what i get

so i make the hoice
the coice to
choice to send the signal of

yes thankyou

because i know everything
is going my way i love that i can
let go and allow i love that i can allow
life to flow
through me i love that its eay to

easy to allow life i love

that i never have to wonder i love
that i never have to wonder i

i love that tis easy to feel good
i love that i know everything is going my way

i know when i feel that
when i know that everything is going my way

it does

i know that everything is just a feeling
and the feeling is alwys within
me i know

my when i send the signal of es
i know that life is always on my side and
that everthing is

working out in my favor i know its
my choice to choose how my life unfolds
i know its my choice

choose how my life unfolds
i know its my choice to feel good
and convident
confident in my life

and when i do

i feel better

i feel good i feel at eae in thie
this here and now i love that everything is working
itself out i love that
everything is working itself
out i love that everything is working itself
out i love

thati get to feel good now i love
that all my wishes are coming true
and life is helping them

i love that i know for a fact that
life wants me to succeed

life wants me to be happy and its as way


easy as making the choice
feeling good is as easy as making the
choie ilove th

i love rasing my vibration i love
doing me i love making chocies that

feel good i love

that its easy to feel good i love
that its easy t

feel good

i love that its easy to feel good
i love that life loves me i love knowing that life
loves me i lov that its easy
to reaise

rase m

raise my vibration i love looking for
the best i love that i know life loves me i love

feeling the love of life i love

my inner presence instanty and
constantly takes on form
and experience according to my needs and desires
and as the principle of supply in

it is impossible for me to have any
unfulfilled needs or desires

i feel good and that’s all that matters
i love that i get to feel the feeling
of god i love that i get to feel the
confidence of god i love that i get to
feel good in this here and now

i love doing the work i am focused inthis
here and now and i know i am god

i know i am god and i am allowing that
feeling to flow

i know that whatever i want
is already created i know it already is

so i can say yes thank you
and if i have stress in my heart

that means i am wondering
and stressing
and wondering

if life is going my way but
i can let all that wonderign go


becuase i know for certain
that life is always giving me
what iw ant

so i can say yes thank you
i love the relief of letting go i love
that i know everything is on my
side i love that ther eis so

there is so much to love i love that
there is

much to loe
and that its so easy to feel good

i love wen tracy
empties the dishwasher

i love oil

i love salad!!

i love getting up eaerly i love
clean laundry i love our wahser
i love comp

my computers i love ths notebook
i love all of our fair friends
i love that i know for a fact that life

is working out for me i love that i now
that i know for a fact
that life is going my way i love
that ther eis always

always so much to love i loe that i
get to feel the feeling rght

right now and
know that all there is

is this feeling