its easy to feel the feeling of god and
lt it come
to me its easy to feel the feeling to feel the
focus to chooe the version i prefer
its esay to choose the version i prefer its esay to cchoose
the version i prefer to allowl ife to come to me
to release to release the feeling to reale
the feeling of god the god self and i get to choose
ti for me i
i get to choose the feeling of god
because i am god i know the feeling i knwo the
feeling of saying yes to life to getting out of the way
i know the
feeling of getting out of the way
i know the feeling of getting out of the way
i know the
the feeling of getting out of
the way i know the feeling of not caring
of choosing i kno
i kow th e
i know the feeling of me of the release
that i dont hve to care i love remembering
that i dont have to care
because ia m god i love
remembering that the feeling i have is right here
the feeling i seek is right here in me
and that id ont need
need anything else outsiide of me i love that
i konw this i love that i know its all
right here that i can feel good now
and trust life i love that i get to feel good now and trust life
i love that
i love that i dont have to care i love that
i dont have to care
i know that life is always working in myi
favor and
i can say yes to everything that is i say
yes to everything that is i say
yes to everything that is i say
yes i feel the flow
i dont h
let it get to me n
i dont let it get to me
that’s the wor
that’s thew ork is
not go
not to care is making the choice not to care
is being in the practicce of not caring
of being in the practice
of returning to center
it’s easy to choose
i want to feel good i want to enjoy my life
i want to love and
feel loved i want to let go and not ccare i want t
to choose to love i want to choose not to care i want
to feel good i want to
i am here ia m here taking care of me
remembering the feelign
remembering that it just doenst ‘matter
that id ont have to care about
anything so graetfut o
remember the power of me
and that i dont havve to
care about anything
i remember the power of me and that
id otn have
to car i
i knwo i am god i kw i am god and
i release the rst
i remember ia m god
and i release the rest
i remember ia m god and i release the rest
i a
i know i am gaod i am
why am i here
why am i here doing this writing
to remmember the power
of me
to remember how i want to feel
to feel good in my life to feel ahpp
happy in my life
remember gratitud
i want to feel good i want to feel good in my life
iw ant to love my wife i want to love
love my life i watn
life to be easy and fun
i want to feel lovved and appreciated
i want to be in the flow
i want to be wa
aware of the version i creates
the magick
the art of letting life come to me and
i know it always does the
art of letting life come
to me and that’s all there is
just remember that
feel the feeling and life comes to me
i know i can do it i know
i can i know the power of me
i know the
the feeling of me i know the feeling of me
i come here to tap into the feelng of me
i come here to tap into ti
feel it to get tclose to it
to get close to it so its easy to
easier to feel to remember whaw it
feels like to remember tha bliss is
right here and now and i dont
need anything else
bliss is right here and now
and i dot
need anything else
i let go and jump tin
i love
let go and say thank you
bliss is here and now
the release is here and now
everything i seek is here and now
i already have it i alreayd
have it i ahve
the moment i have
god i am
i am gaod i am
i am here remembering the feeling of not
of being in the flow of allowing the flow
of noticing what life causes me to ask for
and then knowing that its comeing
celebrating that its
its already created i kno tha
i know that its already made i know that
already made the feeling is me
the feeling is me the feeling is already made
the feeling is me the feeling is me the
feeling is me the feeling is me
i come hre
to remember
i am the one and only creator
of my life experience
of my conscious experience
life causes me to ask
lie causee
me to ask and when i ask it is given
and life celebrates me
life reflects me
life shows me the feeling
and this work helps me access that
and then mor i feel for it the mroe it is right there with me always
finding myself again
so gratul to get to find myself again
i know i can always find the feeling of me
and reside theere knowing
that life is always on my side and what life
causes me to ask for
is given