it’s easy to keep up the good work

its easy to keep up the feeling and not drop it its
easy tot ak
trm it around so grateful to turn it around

so grateufl for the focus to make the choice to be
the personi want to be so gratefult o make the choice
the cohice to

be the power ther person i want to be and that ic an
i know that i can believe in myself that
i can be the perosn iw ant to be

that i can let it go that i can choose not to care that
ic an be easy going that ic an
i can enjoy life ic an tturst the flow of life that i can xhoos choose not care

and i can release it sall in this here and now
and remember who ia m in this momen t

i praise myself for letting it go i prai
i preasei myself fot he pthe the ower of me the
i know tis it s only this work i know tis ony ever this work its

only eer
i love thati
ond tha

care and i can always come right
here and not care i love that
life teaches me i love that life

teaches me i love

this work the only work this fitness the only fiteness and i get to choose it
i get o rlea

release the rest and know that go a

god always comes and whatever happens ha
whatever happnes whate

whatever happens whateer

happens is perfect i know that whatever

i remeber who i am remember who ia m
i know who i am and
i know the the tru

the real me i know the real me i know the
real me i know the

the real me i know the era
real me i know the real me i nkow the
the real me
i knokw the

the real me i knowt he i now the ght
tothe god self the god self
and yes i kn

trust eveything

its only me its only me its only me
ti sonly the feleing its

its all a
an outpiciturig

its tnot not real i know that not of it is rea
l i nkwo i know that nothing is real i know that
nothing is real i know that i ca

get to chooe the feeling gna
and i love when i get to choose it i love when i get to choose it i love when i gt to

to choose it

i choose it now anf for not reason and i loe t
aht i can co
do it any
in any momren moment i love that i know
i dont have to care i love that
i don
have to care i love

that i can lallo

releasea the cork that i get to do this work
every day i get to do this work ge
every day i get to co di
get to do thisw owrk

every day ige tt
get to do this work i get to do thies
this work i get to do this

work and this is the only work
and i get ot do to
to od i

and i feel for it fmore every day
i feel for it more every day
i feel gof
for it every day

i dont care i dont care i dont care i love feeling
good i love feeling go i love

feeling the flow i ilove that god helps me do this work
i love the choice i love flippig the siwthc

i love the powerr of me i love that i know tis just
a preacitc ei love that i know ic an do it i love
that icm
im creating it every moemtn i love that i dont
care i a

i love that i am a
aware i love that i’m ehre doing this work iw love that
im kaing making nwe wew work i love that life is good for me

im feeling myself and i don need a reason

i’m feeling myself and
i dont need a reasoins i
im feeling myself and i dont need a reaosn

i dont need a reason i dont need a reson
i love that i get to i love that i get to li loe tha i
i love hat i get to i love that

that i get to i love that

that’s the part i know for sure is
i get to choose it rith

right now rei
right this secod i choose it with eht
the feeling and nothing else ec

creates lifei know this and i choose it
it right now its so easy to choose it
and to keep


keep up the practicce its so easy to choose it
and keep up the practice its so easy to choose i

it sso

so easto
to chooe it itts so easy to choose it for me
and never wonder to empyt
myself of eveyrthing that is not the real me
its so eay to let it all be

go becausee its not real its so eay


so easy to let it all be
go because its not real

the only work the only

work tis its eay to keep up the only work the only work the

its easyt o
to keep up the only work
its easty to
feel good nowt o feel good now to

everything now ro

to remember that its all fakea
and noone of it matters and its so eay

to remember that ein every omemtom
moment tnat that is how i want to live

i wnat to live in the magick life i want to live wth
god flowing through me
i dot need
anything outsodie
of kem
and i know that the feeling i want
i the f

the feeling i seek is right here with me
right now i love remembering tha i dont have to canre
acna practicig not caring
i lvoe that i get to practice

not caring