it’s easy to say yes

its’ esay to say thank you to feel good to look
for a reason to feel t
good to look for

to feel tfor the feling good aspect of it and th
its always there the feeling good aspect of it

is alwways there the other sideo the wave
is alwys ther ethe

it’s eayt o allow life to flow
to drop it to not

go loking for somethint o pick apart
ts say

easy to allow well being to flow
to know that its always flowing
its eay to praise myself for how far ive come

so grateful for how far i’ve come
so grateful so

for how much ive learned so gateul to releae
the tension to relese the tension to feel so free

so grateful to get to hv the life experience that teaches
o g

so graeufl tof ocome so far

to chooset he foo
good feeling to choose the god feeling
so grateful i elt it go

so easliity so greratu
gratfdul i dont have to care id dont have to care

tha i get to choos that i
remember i dont care that i remember it doens

matter that i remember it doesnt matter
and i get to elt ig al
go and allow lfie to flow i love tha ti get
to allow life to flow i love
that i

i know the god self i know th god feelign i love
seeing the effects of the practi e

i love seeing the effects of the practice

the mind never knows the mind never knows
and i feel the feling

the feling of release the feelign ow
allowing well being
right now i allow well being

i allow well bing

being i place my entire focus
on the god within

i place my entrie

entire focus on the god within
i palce my entire focus on the god within

as the only cause of my prosperity
i know the feeling of abundance i kow the
feeling of love

i kow th
i know the feeling of abundance
i know the feeling of love

i love how far ive come i love
that i get to do this work that i get to expand in this way
ilove that i get to love in this way

i love that i get to love in this way

i’m here i’m here bring ing the focus back
to ccenter i’m here b

briging the focus back to center
im here remembeirng the triguth

truth im here trememering the trusth
im here rememering the truth

i’m here remembering the focus

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world and place
my entire focus on the god within as the only cause of my prosperity

i keep my mind and thoughts off this world and place
my entire focus on the god within as the only cause of my prosperity

i kno wthe feeling of
i know the feeling of the devotion the f

devotion to center the deovtion to know
not looking at it

the devotion to allowing life to unfold
the devotion to allowing life to unfold

the devotion to the the th
feeling the on the
the bus feeling and i choose it not i get to choose it

now get to ched th
shed the old and b int he

bus here and now i never have to wonder
i keep

get to keep allowing it i get to learn
through this fa

phase of life i get to

so grateful for how much ive learned
that im always wrong when im mad
so graeful fo

for how far ive come so gratefl i

for cool neighbors that this is the most neighborhood block

for the feeling ofr hte
for theon the bus feeling fo the
certainty of the on the bus feeling

for my conneciton twith with god so gratdful
for my connection wiht god

so grateufl for the feeling of knowing
for the feeling of knowing for the feeling of the choice

so grateful i get to make the choice
that life helps me fmake the choice

that life ehls me make the choice that
ig et to come here and ndo this
do this work and feel this feeling this on the bus
feeling the feeling of knowing

the feeling of the god self the feeling of trusting the god self
knowing that when i ask it is given
and life causes me to ask

so gratufl i can just sit back and atch
the reat allowing it to unfold

allowing life i allow life i allow well being

i’m here i’m here focusing remembering the tuth

remembering that i never have to strive
i never have to need anyting esle

that i alraedy have it all
that i’m already totlalyf
and i dot need anything from anyone

so grateufl to feel that feelign of knowing th
now to get to feel grateful to loe

so grateful to feel gratefl to love
to allowl ofe to flow through m e
that i can

that ther’s always the ohter side of the wave

the revision

just revise it
i created it i can revise it

its that eay its that easy
its so easy to choose the feeling for no
reaosn its so easy to choose
the feeling for no reason

its so easyt o remembe that

to remember so easy to remember the truth
tis so

so easy to remember the poer of me
and remember that

it doesn’t matter
i never have anything to gain

i have othing to gain i never have
anything to gain i love that if eel it now
i feel the knowing of it nwo

knowing that all of life is oin my favor
knwoing that miracles are everywhere knowign that life
is fun and its meant to e that be that way

life is ay life is on the bus

life is easy life is on the bus