its only ever me its up to me how i feel its up to me
how i feel its always up to me its up
to me how i feel its up to me how i feel i nkow tha
i am the one and only creator and i create with how i feel
i nkow i i now this i now this i know
i know there is only one way to create and i nkow i can celebrate that
what is the only truth
i knw the one i know the one and only truth and is up
to me to choose it i nwo the feeling i nkwo the
feeling i nkow that i drive with the feeling
its a feeling and life can’t deny it i know tis a feeling
and its a switch its easy to flip the swithc
its esay to feel the feeling that life cn’t
life can’t deny the feeling life can’t deny
the feeling of me i nwo that its me and that
all ic an do is
be aware of how i see my life
be aware of how i feel m
see my life how i see myself
i love that i nwo i am a money magnet
i know that money is a reflection of vib
vibration of the vibration of me
and i get to choose it i love that i get to refsue to feel lack
i know its me i nkow i am the one and only
creator of me and as long as i can catch the feeling and
keep it i never have to worry i know i never have to
worry i know that life reflects me i now that i am
a money magnet i know that life flows easily
to and through me i now the magic of life and how to turne
tune it i know the
i recognize the feeling of lack the feeling of cutting myself
off from god and i love that i never have to
i know the power ofme i nkow i now the power fo me
i nkow the
the power of me i know the power of feeling
of believing in my i know the power of me
believing i get to choose how i feel and i nkow
that life has to reflects ta
i knwo i love that i nkow the truth and all i hca
have to do all i can ever do isre
is return to the truth
becausee life can’t
life can’t deny the truth life cant deny the truth
life can’t denty the
the truth life can’t deny the truth i know this i know
i know the feeling i know the feeling i now the truth
and im gratefulf or the contrast that helps me focus
i am aware o a feeling of lack and i am
a feeling
aware of a feeling of knwoing i now i am
aware of how i feela nd that’s all that mtter
matters all i can do is trut god s
and the flow all i can do is trust god and flow
i get to feel it i get to feel the
feeling of yes and i’m grateful fo the
for the contrast that helhps me focus
on the feeling of yes the feeling of abundnce
of looking for abundance i love that i get to look
for what i want to see i get to look
for what i want to see i get to be aware of the
what i believe i get to be aware of what i believe
i feel the feeling of it and
refuse to feel anything else and then it is
its that easyand
and i love that i get to feel it
that life remem
reminds me how good it can feel
i forgot who i wans a
and im so gratful to the energy for reminding me
how good it feels go
to feel good how fee
good it feels to r
trust god to know god to know god soe
so well to know god soe
so well to know the flow
to know the fle
the fee
feelig to know the feeling now to know
the god self now to know that i ahve so
much working in my favor to remember who i
really am to remembe the ower of me
to refuse to feel lack
i get to refuse to feel lack and feel the relief rush in
i love thaat i now that i get to refuse to feel that
those feeling t
feelings taht theyre not producting and
they dont c
they create just like other thougts do
so i can choose the other thoughts
life cn only follow the feeling
life can only
follow what i expect life
can only follow the feeling of me
and i love that i know this i love
that i get to
choose it in all aspects ofl ife i love
that i get to choose teh god feeling in
all aspects of life i love
that i know life is going my way
and i get to choose it i get to choosee
to li
live the life iw ant and life always
causes me to ask what that is
my life is my art my life
is my art
i know that my life
is my art
the feeling is my art
and i get to refuse i get to refuse to suffer today
i get to refuse to
care about other peoples problems
i get to choose to feel abundance
and i now that’s all i cn
ever do is feel the way i want to feel
livve the way i want to live
to live my life the way that i want to live
i love that i get to believe in life i
get to feel the feeling of believving in life
i love that life helps me learn i love
that its
so easy to get ba k to center to
the truth
to celebrating life i love that i get to ccelebrate life today