its me

its me its me its me its me its

never them its never them its never them its
never them its never them i

its never them its not them its not them
as you

as soon as they say you’re right
ill be like but

its ok thought i understand

its not worth thinking about

still stealing my joy
im the only one suffering becuase of it

if thats the ccase then
enjoy right now enjoy not having

to carry other peoples burdens

enjoy the freedome fo the of the day
today i enjoy the freedom of the day

its never them and thinking
is never the answer

i have found the secret to life and
can relax in the knowledge that

activity of diving abndance is eteranlly operating in my life

i simply have to be awre of the flow
the radiation of creatigv
energy which is continuoys ly
and effortlyessly pouring froth from
my divine cosciousness

i am now aware
i am now in the flow

how do i want to feel and that’s the
god feeling just be brave enough to feel
it no matter what

i dont
need a thing from anyone

im already totally fulfilled

i can choose to feel good whenever i want
i can choose to feel good now
and that is my power i don’t need a single thing
from anyone

i dont’ need a single thing from anyone i dont
need anything and i certaitnly
dont ha e

have to give attention to that i don
dont have to care i dont have to care
becausee i dont need anything from
anyone im already totally fulfilled

i am already totally fulfilled

i refuse to suffer today
i refuse to think about
the wrongs of to

others today i intend to be awre of the
chatter and let it

go tody i

its only ever up to me how i feel
what i create

iis that wat i want
is always the question
is always the queseiton

tis o
always me and admiting that
admitting that is all there

its always mme and i know life is
good i know
its always me and i know life is good i know the focus
of me i know the energy
of me and

i know the power of me and i nkow h
i can refuse to give it away
i lve that i nkow its not my porlbme i love that i never ha

have to care about toothers

it’s only ever me and i know
this is
its the power of me and

and i giving it away all day
and today i refuse i refuse to sufer

to suffer i refuse to ccreate

unneccesary problems
and i love that i get to i lo

that i ge tto feel good

its never them its me its my choice

its me its my poeer
theres its my cration
not there si

tis not
never outside of me its never in the thinking
and i now that
that todayi will n

refuse to fu
suffer refuse to be gbogged down mby
byt hinking
todyi am allowing life i allow life
to flow

through m ie i kow the t
that god does everything perfectly i nkow that
its n

not ever up ot me its up
only ever up to me to truth the

its the focus of me its the energy of me
its the yes of me its the god me
and ies never never
ever them its never ever them
and its

not ever worth thinking about its not worht thinkin
about i know all there is is god is my proximity to god and that sa

all i ever hae to think about i don thave to
look for reasons to feel bad i dont have to look
for reasons to feel bbad i can allow god to flow ic an fele
how god feels

i get to feel ho god feels nad nothing
can dstop
stop me nothing can sotp me from
feeling what
the way i want to feel nothing can stop me
winning nothing can stop
stop me from feeling good
and i love that i nkow t
i know i kow

the one and only truth and
im here to feel i know that this i feeling is the only
thing i seek in my life this feeling is all
i seek and its always right here and now

this is the feeling is ekk
i seek and its here and now

its never them this is the feeling is seek
and and
is never outside of me its here now when i relese the reset
hwen i



i don thave to thin right now
i get to feel good

right now the feeling i seek

peace i seek is in the silence teh
solution is always in the silnece
and i nkwo thsi i knwot his i nko

the secret to life

i am aware

awareness is the feeling is
the secret to life

aware of wht i am

am i aware

of what i am
am i aware

of waht ia m

its me its me allow solutions
that’s all i can do i can a4
only ever allow solutions i can aonly
ever allow ao
i can only ever feel the feeling of god
fee the magic of god feel the magi
of god
feel th

the magic of god feel the magic
of god