it’s me

it’s never them its me its the thinking its the over thinking
its the leaky mind just decide and then stop just decide
and use my power its so much better and easier to use my bo

power i had this beautiful chance to

start anew to start anew

and i get to i get to i have to i have to h
have to stand up for me i have to stand upfor myslef
i have to stand up for

myself i hve to stand up for myself i have to stand up
for myself i have to stand up for myself and how i feel
i have to stop doing things i dont want to do

i have to accept it i have to live life for me i have to live life form

i know the one and only truthi now the truth ofme
i now the truth of my power i now the one and only truth

i nkow my power i know my poweer
i now

i know my power i nkow my poeri knwo the power of me i now the power
i now tis tup to me to me to t
to me to deice to deicee howi feel how i feel its up to me to decide how
i want to feel and fele that way u
tis ip to tme to dcied the life i want to life

its only eve the thorught thogut making me feel ac
bad i know his

all i can do is sotp
stop all i can do is stop

all i can do is stop
all i can
do is stop

all i can do is
focus on the one aond ly truth
focus o the one and only
truth the one

the one and only truth
all i can do
is foucs
on the one and only truth of life

the truth of life
the one and only truth of life i zoom out i stop
i just dont htinkn i donthave to think and i can sto
i can stop thinking and just fel good just find a way to feel good aths’a ll i can ever do that’s all i cna ever do i nkow when im thinkign too much and i can reign it in easily
that is my powre i my pweor is awreness and i nkowthei i know my ppower is awerness

i know i can do is

i believe in yself i believe
in myself i believe in myself

nad i dont have to care about ther srt id ont have to think it to death i dont have tothinka b
at all i can free myself from thoguth ican fee
myself from thoguth i can fee myself m
fromthoght i can feel good today i can enjoy the day today i can love today

i do not have to think about that
i have my w
own wholel ife i have my own life
id ont have to care
i have beter

better things to noth tink about
nd i dont
do not have to care
id o

have to care i get to do the work i d
get to do the work i know what i gtive the day is
waht it gives me i knwo what i give life
is what it

gives me i nkow what i
i gtive
i give life it gives me i
i nkow thwta i g
what i gti
agive life

its gives me i nkwot si tus tpu
up to me to cut it loose and its easyt oi

but i also have to accept the other side
of that which is not hving it and im
ok with that i know that wtih distance

i dont needd it i knwo that with distanc
i dont need it i nkwo that ia m
the only thing i need i know that ia m
the only thign i need in life i knwo that
the feeling is always here with em

tis always me the feeling ai seek is alwys me
the feleing i seek a
is alwys me and i nkwo that i can sleep

sleep easy

knowign this i can

sleep easy i known
knwoing that its me d
jumping into life as me
trusting gods plan

and knowing how far ive come
so gratful to get to trust

how far ive come to be awer and to get better
i do know that im geti

getting better so gar

grateful to choose love todayi can choose
lloe right i
now i can choose o
to v
feel tr

for no reason

for no reason
i cn choose h
joy i can choose gratifue and way

wach life all in line i knwot si
its me i know tis up

to me to slip

flip the switch i know is up to me
to flip the w


id ont have to think
and thinking
never selfs a thing

i dont have to think

dont have to think to
think i dont have to think
i never have to think
i never

have to think i can just stop
thinking and choose my power

over giving it w
away only i choose

how i feel and is ntohitng to diwth otuid e
anything otusid ei knwo thie
i nwothis only i chose how i feel
and its only ever me its

i can’t belive im back tot his i
i have to tsotp its my its monly ever me
just stop
and your’e
free just stop thinking and im free
that’s all ti is
i dont have to
just be iesixt
isa ll there is just allow
life to unofld tha’ts all i cand o

just get out fo the way and allow
just dont thiank
just allo just allow

i dont care id ont have
to care im free
i enjoy life

allow god to flow through me
and i dont have to care

about the rest i am free from
the rest i set myself
free from ther sr i k

i knwo my life is working out perfeclty for me

thank you god for verything