its me

its only ever me its the feeling of me its only ever the feeling of me
its only ever the feeling of me
and i know that i know that i nkow that its only
e er the feeling ofm e i know that its only ever
the feeling of me
i know that its only ever the feeling of me

its’ only ever the feeling
ofme ts only
ever the feeling of me
its me its the feeling of me
its the feeling of me
it the feeling
of me

its the feeling of me its onlly ever me its whatever i see whater

its me its how i feel its how i feel its
how i feel
its how i feel its the feeling
of me its the feleing of me its the feeling of me its the feeling of me

its the feleing of me its only ever
the the feeling the focus the focus on
the feeling the god seld the
god i
self s the is the one an donly sourc
the god self is the one
and only soure of

anything life is always happening
life is the peripherty
the real thing is in the
inside in the middle
in the infinite middle
in the infinite now

im so grateufl i know im
so grateful we both know

to know to know the secret to life i have
found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge that the
activity of divine abundance i

is eternally operating in my life

i now aware i am now in the flow
awareness is all there is awreness is all
that matters celebrating yes is all ther e
is celebrating god is all there is
is all there is is
all ther eis

is the foucs
is the focus is the focus

the feeling is thefocus
the feeling is all there is and the mind

the mind isn’t it i know that the mind isn’t it i know that the mind
isn’t it i know that the mind isn’t it i

the mind isn’t it the mind isn’t it the mind
itsn’t it it tht emind
the mind isn’t it

the mind idn’t it thae mind isn’t the center the mind donesmnt ;make life
feelings do the feeling make life and its esay for me to come back to the ffocus its esay for me to come back to that focus its easy for me to come back to that
focus a

to rememb eht god self the gd self is all ther eis the
god self is al lthere is love is all ther is
whic hsi the feeling of knwoign god of awareness awareness is all there is

how i feel is all there is how i feel is all ther eis

is the only differnece that is in the only differnece its
how you see yourself its how you
you see yourself its how you i see myself

its how i see myself that’s ai
is all that matters how i see is myself
myself is hwo i am how i see myself
if how

how i see myself is
who i am

i don thave to care oub
anything just feel the feeling of me
just feel the feeling of me just
fel the feeling of me is all there is just feel
the feeling ofme is

is all there is
awarness is all there i is knowing that
knowing that i know htat i make it i make what i see

i make what i see i think it then it is
i know this i knwo this

i feel it then i see it andth
this work ehlips me remember theres no
reason not ot do it
it alwys helps it always helps me foucs
it always helps me focus
remember the focus

remember who i wm
remember who i am remembe who i am and i know that
ive come a long way i feel the practiceof it i
i feel how good the pra

i feel the practice of it i feel
the focus i feel the focusand
i feel the focus and
i f

am so gratufl life led me here i love htati get ot
feel it that iget to say thnak yo
thank you
that i fg
get to feel the feleing of thank you that
i get to feel how i wnat to feel
that i get to focus on

feeling beter
enjoying life
feeling safe to love and be vulnerable
to look at myself and see myself
and be better for my partner and my people

thank you fog
god for blessing me for shining on me
for showing me the way flor
for showing me my the
im so grateful i now i kn
im so gratufl i know i nkow that life

is good its meant to be that way i know that is however
i see it i know that life i sho
is however i
see it

its me its me its the god self
its wharever i see and i know the power of me
its whatever i see and i know the power
of me

there is o limit

to how good ican
i can feel there’s no limit to how i good i can feel theres
no limit ot how good i can
feel there

ther’s no limit to how goodi can feel ther’s

limit to how good i can feel i know thsi
i know this

i knowt

the feeling of me

i know the feeling of me i kno wthe energy
of god i celebrate the energy i god i say
thank y

thank you for the energy of god
of not thinking of knowig
of feeling and knowing of feeling and knowing

celebrating and knowing
feeling love and knowing

i know the feeling of knowing and i nkow that
is all thete is that is all there is

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