ts the i am its the iam
its the iam
there sonly ever i am and i now this
i know ia m the
iam hte middle i am indifferent i am the indifferent
i get to decide i get to choose i get to choose
i get to choose me ig et to choose me ig et to dchoose me
today is the day to choose me to choose me to choos the real me
today i get to choose the ream and im gld
im so
graetful i get to choose teh
real bme
get to be the real me
today get to focus on the the
i get to choose thd ay i get to
choose the feleing of the day
i get to choose me i get
to choose me i get to choosem e i get to choose me
i get to
choose me i get to choose me
i get to choose m it get to choose me
i get to choose
the feeling
of me
its ht efeeling of me the feeling of me the
feeling of me
its never them its never them its never them
its me
i love that i get to choose me i lovee that i get to choose m
today i alreayd feel beter i alreayd feel the
energy of lif flowing thorughme i gett
feel good i feel the flow
i feel the
flow flowing i feel the flow flowing
i feel the
the flow flowing i feel the real me
i feel the real me
flowing i feel the real me flowing
the secret third thing
i love that i dont havet ocare i love that
today i get to do me
get to focuaon the feeling ofm e
get to just watch get
to just watch iget to just watch get
to just
get to just at
watch get to just watch
the flow the flow flowing
get to wat the lflwo flowing get
to watch the flow flowing
so grateful to get to do what i want to get space to mey
myself to get to do me and feel what iw ant
to get to feel good g
to get space to get space tof ocus
on what i need i love that i get to i love
i love that im here now im here now doing the owrk im
here now doing thw ork the work d
the focus owrk the feeling fow
wrokt he middle work the
indifferent work and i love that
i get to i llveo
i love that i get to i love that i get to do
me get to feel freem
from the oppressive watch of my partner
get to do soemthing just for me get to
do sommething for me not feel like im being watched 24/7
i get to do the work forme i get to
do the work fro me
i get to feel good for me
i get
to focus on me i get to focus on my own life i
get to focus on my own life i get to feel good now
its me its me its me
its the focu sits
the focus its the focus its the focus
its the focus the t
the focus its up to me what i focus on wh
how i feel its up to me how if eel its up
to me ti
to release to releas to relese trying to control to let go
its up to me its up to me its up
to me
to feel good nwo to feel good now to feel good now
to feel
the flow now to feel the fnow f
the god self to know the god self to say eys to the
god self to allow the god self
to help me hve a good day
i get to focus now i get to rememberr who i am right no
i get to obeser
observe both im the witness i am the obsrever
and i dont have to get attached to any of it i can just choose to
have a good day i can
just choose to have a good day
i cah
choose to have fun i choos the energy of the day
i get to
choose the eneryg of the day i get ot
choose teh energy of the day i get to
feel good i get to
i get to do me i get to focus ont he poweer of me
i get to
feel the energy herea nd now i get to be hwppayy
now get to
im lughing im
having fun
i am
having fun
i lvoe that ig et to i lvoe that itso
tid e
doesn’t mater i love that nothign matters
i love that
i get to feel good now
i get to feel n
good now i
get to feel good now i get to feel good
i get to feel the flow i t
get to celebrate life today i get to celebrate life today
and l
no one can stop me
no on e
can stop me
i get to feel good today i get to hava good
i get to feel the
i jsut wathc i just watch i just wathc
i just
watch i just
i get o have good times i am good time s
i get to
celebrate life and allow it come
to come to me
its me i get to choose it i get to choose
i get toi
to be free from all of it!!
i get o choos o be free from all of it!!
i get to choose have to ahv a good day to
refuse to suffer
to suffer to suffer i refuse to suffer i love that
i get ti i love that i get to r
efuse to suffer!!
i get to refuse i get to havve a good day
feeling free so grateful to get to enjoy the day free