it’s okay

even if you wake up
feeling not your best
that’s okay you still
don’t have to beat yourself
up looking for reasons to
hate on yourself and not enjoy
the day

you don’t have to figure out
why you woke up feeling that way
although it may help to inquire
you don’t have to worry about the
why just feel good now

i love the etsy notification

no matter how you’re feeling you can always make
the choice to feel the feeling of
hearing the etsy

cha ching sound

and hold on to that feeling in
the here and now
and the work has been good lately
because i feel myself
becoming more aware and

having more

getting strong at

not the words i’m
looking for

i can feel the
focus muscle


i can feel that it’s
my choice where i focus i can feel that
it’s my choice where i focus
and how i feel and
whatever i don’t
want to feel
doesn’t matter and i love that

life is feeling


i love that life is easy and it’s meant to be this
way i love that it flows to me and i love that i know
it’s all the energy i love saying

yes thank you

yes thank you i love that i
get to say yes thank you i love
that i get to be proud of who i am

i love that i can
allow myself


you never saw me

maybe because i
didn’t want to be seen
or becaUSE

i didn’t see myself

and i can do that i can
choose to see myself and then i
don’t need you to see me

to have seen me and i can
also feel more and more that
i am letting go of old

resistant vibration

at this point i’m just tired of
carrying it around and i know

how pointless
and not me it is to hang
on to such old vibrations
ad it

it’s just getting easier
and easier to remember i don’t care it’s
getting easier and easier to slip back intot

the vibration of me and remember who i am
not be

afraid to remember that all there is
is the signal the energy i send to the situation
and i know that’s all i can do is

love all i can do is love all
i can do is love all i can do is love and i know

that’s all i can do
ad the mo

the more i
send the signal of love the
more that is what i see and
i amreme

remember that
i can be brave enough

to trust that

to look for what i want to
see and trust it i can feel myself
wanting to feel good and

the willingness
to choose it

the courage to choose it

it’s not about

force it’s
about courage

and i am willing to take
the gib

big leap every day the big leap

to enjoy life to love no matte what
and make the choice to send the signal of love

i am aware of

the signal i send the
the effects of that signal and i am
willing to send ths gian
the signal and i know

no matter how i wake up feeling
i can always feel for how

what i would prefer
and that’s all i can do and i

if i’m feeling something i don’t
want it’s because the other side of the
wave is there if i’m feeling

something i don’t want

it’s helping me focus on what i want

and little by little

i am getting there

i am feeling a little bit and a little bit
and a little bit better and

every little bit counts
it builds up to something


practiced bliss and i know it comes
it always comes and it feels good to
to know this to remember who i am
to do the work and

line up the energy to remember that
the energy is all there is and to feel

where my mind

always tries to go and it
feels good to

set myself free of that
to know that it’s just

a habit of thought ot think
to think but what would

this person

think of me if i let go of
everything and stopped striving
and did the one thing that i know
has the most powerful impact on my
life experience:


and i know this for a fact and the
more i do this work the more i remember it
the more i feel the feeling and
the power of me the more i feel the
feeling and the power of me
the more i know

it already is

thank you for this here and now
and i know that life
is always flowing perfectly through me life

is always flowing
perfectly through me and i am brave enough to zoom
out and see that i

zoom out and i allow myself
to enjoy this here and now this here and now

i am here now and i am god

i get to decide what i look
for what i want to see and i know
i know the power of me i am
willing to embrace the power of me

i embrace the power of me
i celebrate the power of me i am

brave enough to celebrate this day
i am brave enough to let go of

of everything and celebrate this day i know
all i can do is get out of the way and allow life
to flow through me i am allowing life to flow
and celebrating my god self

celebrating the fact that i never have to
worry and that life will always take care of me

celebrating that it always comes
it always comes it always flows straight toward me

the flow is flowing
to me to me to me to me and my only job
is to love i love that the owrk alw

the work always works and i ge tto get

i love that i’ve let that go
and i am now witnessing
life flow through m e

and that’s all i can ever do