i know tis only ever me and only i get to choose how i feel
only i can choose the day onli
only i get to choose the feeling of the day
the focus of the day
the feeling of the day
the focus of the day
the feeling of the day the focus of the day only
i get to choose the
feeling of the day only i can choosee how if eel fr
right now onlyi can ig etot
choose how it
the day unfolds
only i get ot choose how the day unfolds
its up to me to say yes its up to me to say
yes onlyi can say ye only i cn create my world only i can
be grateful
just say yes and feel the
feeling of god that’s all i can do is feel the
feeling of god
not holding
anything against anyone
and tha’s the only way to feel good
i know the feeling is her ei nkow
‘i ahve it i know
tis haleay
alawys here with me i get to
always tap into it
the silence is always here and now
the silnece is
alwas here and now
the silence is always here and now i love th
i feel good if feel better i feel relief
i feel knowing i feel
expressed i feel
like im healing like i acan can do it that
i kwo that its me its the mind its the
mind resisting insteadof syaing eys
its’ the mind reissitning its
its the mind
its the mind
its the mind resisting
its the mind resisting
in silence is all the solutions
and i know this it htis is the this it
is the work going back to silence
its me creating its i
me creating it and im so
grateufl to see to be awrae its me
its me
caring its me
waking up in a ma
bad mood becaue im resisting
its me
its me lokout
loutside off o
me to instead o
to god that’s all it its
god say eys tgod
go s
sayes yes god saye
sayes yes god says
god says yes god says yes t
god says yes
god says yes god say ys
god says yes god says
yes yes yes is tal
all there is silence is
all there is
and all of the solutions are in sli
silnece is
the feeling i seek
silence is the feeling i seek silence
is the feeling i seek so graetful its a good day
sog reatufl it
grateufl its working
that we get to have both so grateufl i get to
say yes ot the silne c
i get to
feel the silence i get to swithc
its me and i get to feel good and be happy it swork sits work
im healing i now im healing i nko im healing
i knwo i would rather feel good
and have a good day a
i know its something deeper and its in me i know its m e
i know the solution is silence i know its
doesn’t matter i know nothing matters all there is is
is silence all i can do is feel silence now
all i can do is
is feel the silence now all ic an do is
focus here and now and feel
complete there’s nothing to heop
hope for there’s nthing to hope for
all there is is
understanding is everthing
understanding is everything
i love
that its a good day
i love that
we god a new sub!!
i ilove that we go
got orders!!
i love that its working!
i love that its fun i lov ehtat
its its fun!!
its me its me its me its me
never them its ne m e
and im a
brave enough to be teh slie
silnct god right now
i am
brave enough to e th
to be the silent god silent
god is all there is ram is all
all there is ram is all ther eis
the focus on attention’s source
is all ther eis i
all there is allow the heart to sing allow the
heart to singa
allow the heart to sing allow the
the heart to sing allow the heart to sing allow the heart to sing
allow the hert to sing
heart to sing allow the heart
to sing
its me its me focusing or not
thats all it is
its me i tits me holding my breath or not
its me its
its me holding my breath or nt
pinching off theflow or not
im saying yes im saying yes im saying eys
and its only ever mim saying yes
and its only ever me
i celebratingl ife
and its me the
its the focus of me its the love of me
i am the source of all of it i can feel it
in the silence i feel gods love in the silenc ei can
only love in silence i can
only love l
in ci
silence i can only hve
loe in
lovve in silence i can only love
in silence
the focus is all there is the focus
is all there is the focus is all there is this
is time i spence working im doing it im
focus im focus on the
the silence i’m focused
ion the silnece
its here now abundance is here
now love is here nwo
loe is here now
but only in the silence
connection is here now
but only in the silnce
only in the silnce
connection is here now
love is here now choose to feel the love and its there
choose to feel the
love and its there
feel the feeling and its
there c
the feeling and its there
feel the feeling
and its already here feel the feeling i
and its already here i love that we get to have ti all