its only ever me

that’s it its easy
its never them its never them its me and i wnat to

enjoy my life i want to enjoy my life
and its only
ever up to me its only ever up to me
to feel the way i want to feel its no one else
i cn see the trutha nd be saddenced by ut
it by its not her fault

its the magic of methat’s all i can
ever miss that’s all i can ever miss and tha’s all i can ever come back to

its not the source its not the source
tis the sourcce just lookat
at the sourcce look at thesource instea dof looking outside ofm e

im looking for god that’s ti
tha’ts all taht’s missing sna
dna i and i now that feel th
the feeling of god

the feeling of god the feeling
of gos is
is what is missig
i think its her but its god she isn’t god
she she is not god ia m god i am god i m looking for whats missing

and it can only ever be god i know this i nkwot his i knwo this a
nd im
afraid to late
let it go
to not care ima
garid to nt care

its never the tis is me its me tis it

the ret doesn’t matter only the magic matters
only the flo matters ony god ma
matters only the god self matters only
feeling good g
matteres only feeling goodmater

matters and i am braveen
enought o feel good i am brave enough to e my
surce ia m brave enough to not think

to let it all go ia m brave enough to let it all go

it doesn’t matter none of the thoughts matter
none of the thoughts matter

none of the thoughts matter nothing matters

there is no i there is no separate self there
is no separate self th

there is no i there’sn thoing to care about
there’s o to
i to ccare just to enoy this here an dnow


there’s only one focus and its god theres only
one mother and its god there’s only

one feeling it
and its god
there’s only one af
feeling and its god and anytime
i start to think
about what someone else
isn’t giving me i

turn to god becuasee god has it

god is the feeling i seek god is the feeling i seek god is the feeling i seek and
seeking is the suffering
seekign anything sel
besides the feelign of god

besides the feeling of god

the feeling of fes
besides the feeling of god is suffering t
hat is all there is
i can just let it go i love that i can let
ti go i love that i can move on o
i lve that i can
be obsessed with god i can be addicted to god i can turn to god
to love and support me i know that god loves me i know
that god is always on em
my side i know that life always works out for m
i know
that i can love for no s

reason i know that i can love for no reason

i know tis mei knwo tis mi nkow there
that i relly dont care that i trustly dont
care that i can say yes to evething

i know that i know that life is all there is
the feeling of god i
is all there is the feeling of god is lal there

is i nkow that i i know this one and only only truth i know that
its only ever me i know that its only ever me i nkow
that its only ever me i now that its

only ever me

i know that its me i know that
mpart doense’t matter the thing that i think matters
doenst’ matter
i get tod t

only i et to choose how i feel only i et to choose
how i feel only ic an allow life

that part doesn’t matter that prt
doesn’t matter that part
doesn’t matter

nothing matters is
tis me makign the choice to enjoy my life
or not its me creating everyhting
in front ofme its

me crating it
tis me creat

creating it its me creating it its me

i don thave to look for problems i dont have to lookk
for pain i dont have to lok for

i can enjoy life i get to nejoy my
fie ig et to enjoy my life im not going
to let anyone else
keep me from that

my life is good and i get to nejoy it

life s g
is good and i get to enjoy it i knwo the pwoer
o me i nkow tis easy to get back i know the truth

i nkow its
the truth i know the feeling is eek is

isn’t there i nkow its no
the thinking it in the silence
i nkowt he feeling i seek is
in the silnece
and i love that i dont care about ther est
i know that the only l

think t

thing to seek is the silence

the silne co god is all ther is the feeling of knowing is all ther eis
awareness is all ther eis

releasing the tension of attention

release o
the tension of placing attention ouside if
of me and i knwo this i knwo this i knwo this
i know this i knwo this i know the f
eeling of me i knwo tis me i knwo the
its the feeling of me i knwo tis only ever the feeling of me

and i can
choseo knowing i hcav eto chose knwoing
i want soemthing

then what

then way
i accept everything that is
i accept everthing that is

i love that i dont care
im giving myself a break from that

and im looing at attentions source

i thing its more imporatnt ot llok there
than enywh
anywhere else