its only ever me

and its not in the mind its never in the mind
the solution is never in the mind only the problem
i know i can alet go
go i can let go of all my problems

its me its never them its me its never them its me
its the feeling of m its the feeling of me its
the feeling of me its the
feeling of me irs the
its the feeling of its only ever the

the feeling the feeling ofme the feeling
of me the feeling of m the
the feeling
of me

is all there is and the more i feel a feeling i dont
want the worse i feela nd i know this is me i know
i am aware i am aware of the flow

the eeling the feeling of me the
the feeling of me the

the foucs the foucs the god feeling the flow the feeling of the
the feeling of knowing god of finding god im
here to be with god im here
to feel god i m here to feel how god would fele im here to be me i me here to feel god im here to celebrate i m here to feel good i m
here to feel good to celebrate life to let ti
the reast go to refuse to suffer im

here to refuse tto suffer to remember that its
alayw me choosing how i feel its alaysw me choosing how ifeel

that nothing matters that only god matters
that only god matters im her to im
here to im
him her to im here to im here to

im here to feel the feeling im here to feel the
feeling im here to feel the god self im
here to feel the god self t
o tfeel the god self im


here to feel the god self to feel the focus the focus of mlife
im here to feel the

the focus of life im here to feel to choose how i awnt to feel
and that’s how life unfolds im
here to choose ohw i want to feel im here to choose how i want to fele im

thankyou thank you

thank you thank you for the god feeling for knowing
thatim ala

i know im always creating all of it
that’s true i am
always creating everything its up
to me what i creates

i know its there i know the truth is always righ

right here the truth is always
right here the truth is alawys right
here the truth

is always right here

the truth is always
right here the
truth is always right no


i know the god self the choice
how tod i anwa
wnat to feel how do i want to feel

all there is

i know the power of me i know the power of me i know the power of me
i know the power of me i know the power of m

i know the
power of mei know the power ofme i knwo the power of the focus
i knwo the

i knwo what do i knw what i d

do i knwo whwa tdo i knwo what
do i know what do i kn
what do i knwo i know that life follows how i feeland
i ge tto choose how i feeland only i can

only i get to choose how ifeel
how i feel only i get to choose how i feel

it has to come
down to me it has to be me it has to be me

it has to be me it has to be me
it has to be me

it has to come down to me it has to come
down to me it has to

come down to me it has to be me
it has to be

it has to e m
me to address how i feel and i knwo that i knwo that
the only thing missing is god i know this i know
i know this ia ll
i allow tog dto flow thr

throughme i allow the feleing of of
god iand
forget the rest ai
i allow mysel to forget the rest i allow myself

to forget the rest to let go of the rest i allow mysel to

myself ot let go of the rest i allow i allow the rest i allow life t
to flow through me i allow life to flow

throughme i allow the flow

i allow i

thank you for eerything thank you for it all thakn you for it all i know its all me
thank you for itall thankyou
for it all thank you

for setting me free i feel good i feel free i feel free i love htat im free i lov ethat i get to
be free ilove that i get to feel good to enjoy life
toa llow the god god self to flow through me

i know the feeling is there i knw the feeling
is always here now i know the feeling is always here now i know the feeling
is always here now i know this i know this i nko thi

i know i know the feeling of me i nkow that the feeling creates whatever
i expect is what is

its me no matter what i have to accept that
its me its me
i have to accept that i have to accept htat its me its me creating it its always me createing
creating it its me its what i lok

look for its how i feel its how i feel

how i feel is only ever up to me
i am the one an donly creator

i get

only i get to choose how if eel andi get t
get to choose ot feel free i get to to choose to feel

thank you for setting me free and
reminding me to focus

to focuson what i have i
am do

so gratefo
for hwat i have and there’s nothigm issing