its only ever the feeling

the feeling precedes everything and it is everything
how i feel about life what i expect how i
expect to feel how i choose to feel

how i continue to feel the feeling i project
i know its only ever me i nkow its me
sending the signal to life and then life creates is

it i know the power of me i celebrate the power of me
i know its the power of me i know tis onl y ever the
feeling of me i know the powre of the feeling i now that the
feeling creates evertyhign that all i ever have to sto

to do is stop and ask

how do i prefer to feel and

that i get to choose how i feel i always get to
choose how i feel here and now i always
get to choose how the
next phase of my life is going to feel i get to choose the
version i pre
i want i get to

decide what i want to focus on

i get to decide what to focus on the
feeling i wnat to

bring forth the
energy i send to life i get to choose every morning the
energy im giving life the energy im giving life today and
i now this i nwo that

life loes me that life whatn
wants to flow perfeclty through me i knwo that
god is always flowing perfectly through me

i know the power of the focus
of the attention to the attention to attention i know its only
me and i now is so easy to remember to come back to this
feeling to remember to just

deicde wh

to just deicde what i would prefet
to fele instead

to just decie what i pre
would prefet ot feel in

instae d
instead and that is the magoc o life
magic of life it feel sogod to fla

to get t
bakc to the magic of life it

feels good to remember the feeling of me
to get t
back to the feeling of me it feels good to get back to the feeling of me
to get back to the

feeling of m

its so easy to remember its so esay to
fele the way i wnat to feel and then trust it
trust life and trust the unfolding of life is so
its so esay to trust the fu
unfolding of life its so esay to

trust the unfolding of life ot tust the energy of life to trust the feeling
to trust the focus to trust the magoc
of me to

to know

to knwo to nkow the magic of life to know the truth ofl ie
to know that life only ever relfects me and i nkow this

i know i know the poewr omfe o know
i nkow that life is always unfolding i know that i can always choose
the feeling of knowing that life is on my side
and i know that life is so much for

more fun in the flow
so grateful i know god i know the flow
i know that i can always come back to god i know that i can always

always come back to god i know that i can always come
back to god i know that i can always

come back to god i know that i can

always come back to the feeling of god of trusting god of knowing
god of living as god i can always come back to the feeling
of knowing of

im god of enjoying life as god i can always

come back to enjoying life as god and i love
taht i get to i love that i get to enjoy life i love that i
get to tfele the feeling the feeling of enjoying life
the feleing o fknog

of knowing the feeling of not getting oto
too involve

i get to do this
i get to feel the feeling here and now its always
a chance to use the magic

its always an opportunity
to use the magic is always
its always an opportunity to

use the magic its always an opportunity
to use the magic to feel the feeling o

i prefer life
every piece of life is a chance to feel the feeling i prefer

how do i awn
want to feel and that’s all there is

how do i want ot feel and that’sa ll there
is its tufn
fun to enjoy life to en
see how good i can feel to c
see how much good i can allow

its fun to see how much good i can allow is

kind of hard

to rmember but its esay
once you remember just remember
every time to ask yourself
how you wnat to feel

its so esay

trust it its so esay

trust it make the the l
make life god y

god your way

life flo
follows the feeling life follows the enregy
and i love that i now this i lwo
i l
i know this
i know h
i know ho life works i nkow i know
ive see it all the time i seee it
all the time little

instances and that can be more when i focus i know
what i focus i see it more when

when i lookf oro
for the miracles theyre there and i nkwo this
this is

htis is thei only work tis all starts with the feeling
and then life floll
follows focus on the feeling and
life follows i

it has to it has to it has no choice
that is ahow life li
works feel good knowing thatl ife
will reflect that

and im so grateufl to remember

to get back to it
thank you to life for that

the contrat

contrast that brought me here to remember the one and only simple

firsat you become it then you see it