its up to me how i feel

and as long as i keep feeling like this i create it
so i hk now that have to find

its me its me its me its mme its not her

i dont hwant to spend time wiht me
its me do
who doesnt want to specnd tim eiwht me and i can make the choice

bless the cap

its me its me i know i nkow

i nkow that is

its me its me its me its me
and i hve to refuse to sit aron all day
feeling like that i have

to refuse to sit around feeling like tha i have to refuse
that’s the

the only thing that
that i can do t
that’s the only ic an do is refuse to ccare

that’s the only thing i can do and and i kno life
life gives me a give
gift every time im forced to do that

i know that life gives tm
em a givf
t i

a gfit in every moment and i love that
i get to celebrate it
i love that i get to cele

celebrate life

i lvoe the feeling passes i love that

i am aware of

aware of the way
lthe world im creating i love

i nkow that its me i createe that
i created that i know tisa ll
how i look at tlife

becaue im always getting what i an
i get to create the version i want i get ot
the version i want i a

only i am the creator and i love that
life shows me i love that i get to remembe ri love that

its so easyt o remember just be
by geitn

being aware of how i feel i love that i
get to choose
i love that i get to chooe

i have to din
find a way to feel the way i want to
feel and not make up feelings that ra
arent’ theere i love

i have to find a way i have to
to feel the way i want to feel trut
to rstu
trust life to trsut god and not allow myself
to feel what i dont hwat
want to feel t
beuca that is the

direction im gving life and is
its me looing for that mking it up and i know its u
not trust i l i know life is good i know life is good i know

i know life is good i knwo lif eis good i know life
is good i know life

i know god is good i knwo that life
is unfolding perfectly i know that i can feel the
feeling of grattitue no mater
what i nkow that its how if eel and i now that life
always fe

reflects so i just kee feelign how i want to feel and life will reflect that

i get to choose god the god
feeling is all there is thep orxim

to god is all there is and if i feel
bad its only becaue i got away from that knowlede

but i know

i know the one and only truth
and i now that its never her

its never going to e her
so i can dho
choose myself right now

so grateufl i nkow this
that when i choose god

god chooses me when i
i have a lust for lie

life has a lust for me and tahts’ a

allt ehr is i love that tere s
there s always more than
then enough toerhes only

always another one i love that i
get to choose ot havea l
lust for life no mattter what

it works so fast and easy

i love htat i know i love that iw ill alwaysknow the
one and only truth i love that

i alwa
will always know the one and only ruth
i lovee that i iwll
always have this

i will alays have this and the
abilityt o refust

to feel bad and its jtust hat esay
dont create t

dont create it dont create it

i get to feel how iw antto feel and life helps me
thank sto life to life to
thank you to life thank you

the feeling is all life is and i love that
i now its that easy i love that its that esay to flip the switch its that eay
to trun the

turn the boat turn the boat turn
the boat and feel how iw ant to feel

its really that easy its realy that easy

the feeling is always right here and i know
fors t

sure i can always trut the feeling i can a
refuse to suffer i can always

refuse to suffer refuse to feel what i dont
want to feel ic an

always allow life toflow to me
i can always

give what i want to recieve i can always bet he go se

the god selff her eand now
i can
lways ge the be the
god self

here and now

i can alawys come here and remember the truth
that it
its not oust

outside of me its never outside of me
and the otuside


reflects the in
that’s the only way the feeling firt

first the feeling first
and im so grateful ig et to feel it

i know here i
there is only one power

there is only one powe
i know th

i know the truth to life i

i have foudn the secret to life
i love that i now i ilove

i love that i gknow it sna
i get to s

celebrate god flowing through me i

get to celebrate god flowing through me i
get to celebrate

love and beign the sourcce i get to
celebrate lovve and being the source

and the only truth i now
tis me i know its me

decidieng im the only truth