all i can do is choose all i can do is choose all i can do is
choose refues every thought and chooe
refuse every thought and choose and i bless the ocntrast for bringing back the focus
i belss the contrast for bringing back the focus
i for got who i wan
was but now i rmember thank you god for
forgetting yourself ot me for forgeting
yourself to me for
getting i
yourself to me for forgetting yourself to me thank you
god i love that i get to i that i get to choose that i get to
remembe to mae t the choice that tis i
me that i get to feel good no matter what
that i get to let it go forever i lovve that
the power of me is all thre is th power of m
me is all ther is the power of me is all there is teh power of
me is all there is the power fo m
of me is all there is thank you thank
the power of me is all there is i knwo teh power
the power o
of me is all there is the feeling of me is all
thre is the feeling of me is all tha
there is the feeling of god si all thate
there is and i ge tt o feel it now i get to feel eit now
i t
i get to feel it now i get to feel it now i get to f
feel it now i get to feel it now
i dont hvve to are i can
don thave to care
i get to choose to choose i get to
it’s me its me its me its me
its me its me its
only mits only m its up to me its only
ever consciousens
i knwo this i knwo thie feeling i nwo the feeling i nwo its
te oer of of the feleing i nwo i create life
i create with the feeling
i create wit ht ehf eeling
i choose the feeling i
first its alwas wht it is
the world is in me its me
its all me its all me the world si
is in me
the its not real
its all mde up
exactly how iw an i want it its all
made up i
exacctly how i want it i knwo the feeling its
easy and its right ehre
its easy and tis right nowow
i choose me now i don
dont need ch
you i cho
i let life come to me i say yes i and thank i tay yes and thank you
i feel the feeling now i feel the feeling now
the feeling of the desire fulfilled
the feeling of the desir fulfilled
its me its me its m e it omes to mt
it comes to me lie comes to me
life comes to me life comes
to me i rememberr i remembe rnwo i belse
bi bless the in nd out of life i bless the and
in and out lfe of life i bless my messy self i love
mys messlself i love that i get to i love that
i get to feel good i love that i get
to feel good i love the i i get to feel good
that i get to feel it nwo that i get to feel it now
that i get to feel it now
get to feel how god sr
feels right now get to feel how god feels right no
i love myself i love myself i love and accept myself
to to
totally and completely love and adore myself i love myself
i love myself i totaly
and completely love and adore myself i get to i l
i get to i get to feel good ig et to loe myself
i get to love myself i get to love me
i get to love where i am right now i get to tune to
me i get to remember it will never be that
that will never give me the feeling
that will never give me
the feeling the misery is in the mind
i nkow the misery is in the mind and i can let
it go i love that i get to i
i celebrate getting to i d
celebrate the ups and downs of my life
i celebrate that i dont care
i l
i celebate knowing i celebrate knowing
i know the feeling i knwo the feeling of telling life i loe me
i know that ia mthe onw
one and only sourcce of that
and no one else ever will be nno one se
i get to love me i get to feel good now
i get to fe
flip the switch ii
only I get to choose the energy of me