just decide to have a good day

i love that i don’t have to ccare
that i can just focus on my own well being

my own happiness and ignore the actions of
others i can ignore it i can just

choose to feel good now
i don’t have to figure it out i don’t have to
figure it out
i don’t have to figure out why i care

just decide not to

becaue i feel like i’ve been wronged
and generally just annoyed

and i don’t like the person
but i feel like i’m still

forced to be friends with them or something
and i don’t want to

and that’s ok

there are plenty of peo[le i’m not friends with
and that’s ok

i don’t have to care
ab out how dumb or naive they are
i dont have to care about their

or how much it annoys me
i certainly don’t hae

to devote any more energy toward
figuring out just how i would tell them

how wrong i am

i can just trun
turn my attention toward what i want

how pretentious they are
how far their heads are up their asses

but that’s not my problem
and i

am goig to let it go

i’ve already lete it

it go in favor of focusing on my own

well being i can turn the boat
turn the attention toward what i want

i want friends

who are on my level

jesus is it that much to ask

and i feel bad i feel bad not
liking someone
b ut i just don’t i don’t like them

they get on my nerves

that’s it lol

but it really doens’t matter
and i guess i’m even more annoyed that i am
devoting energy toward it

that my thoughts are on it

something so insignificant
so today i focus on feeling good
trusting my own gut

and if it’s not a match
it’s not and i accept that
i accept that

it’s not a match
and whatever happens happens
i accept that it’s not a match

why do i care????
why does it keep running in my head


i’s not their fault that they
don’t have the life experience to know
what they are doing?

so i should feel bad for
cutting themout for

something they didn’t know they did wrong?

but it’s not my job to educate you
to raise you pu
to teach you

i’ve taught enough people
i;m done

i want to be around people who already know

that’s not too much to ask
and oh well it’s not like i hate you

i just don’t like you
you’er annoying
you’re face is annoying

your voice is annoying
your inability to cope in the real world
becuse you’re sheltered

is annoying

so am i say8ing all that about myself

and i wish i could just move o about thit

but i need to get in the vortex abot it
i wish i would
i am
in the vortex about it
and in the

vortex i don’t have to care
i focus on how i feel
and make the hcoice to

to feel good now and let the rest come

for a second i did like you
i thought you were cool
but it turns out your not
youre dumb lol

ugh and i hate myself for saying that
for thinking it
i wish i could like you

but i jut don’t i just don’t

i think your whole

is bullshit
ugh this is so annyong

annoying to me

that i even care
i just turn the

turn toward something else
and let life come to me i vn all

can allow life tocome to come to me
and i don’t hae

havet o be afraid of wht might happen

i don’t feel a connetion
and that’s ok

i can trust that i can trust that
and jusg choose to feel good

feel good first

get i the in the vortex and then
get in the vortex and then

allow my heart to sing
look for reasons to say thank yo
for reasons to feel

and let the rest go

look for reasons to say thank you
look for reaons

to be i the in the vort4ex
and don’t worry about the reswt

don’t care
dont’ get mad

over something that doesn’t matter

just ignore it
and move on with my life

with my vortex

and that’s all i can do
i stand up for myself and my feelins

i’m proud of myself for
not getting sucked in

for doing me like i made a vow to do
to stick to doing me to doing what feels best
to me
and not just follow along with something

i don’t have to care
i can be in my vortex and still not
like someone lol


there’s something deeper there
that iw ant to get to

but i don’t want to keep didggin

picking at something
that just doesn’t matter

just let it go and find som3thing

something else to htink about taht’s
the best i cand o

look for reaons to

reasons to feel good look for reasos
to feel good look for reasons to feel good
to love myself

to love me

all i can do is look for reasons to
celebrate my life look for reasons to celebrate my life
and let life come and go

easily through me today
i ntnend

to allow life to come and go
easily through me and i

i will

think about what iw ant
instead of what i don’t

and i know my powe r
is in my letting go
in my not caring and i really don’t care

i really don’t care
i really don’t

i care about how i feel and tha’ts
it and today i ake th
make the choice to look for what i want to see
to look for what i want to see

today i look for what iw ant
i let

i let the rest go and know

and celebrate that iknow l
that life can only reflect me

and i get to make the choice
to know it always feels better to love
andi can

just let that go