just keep going

just keep feeling for it
keep allowing myself to feel
for it just keep asking


just keep feeling for it
allowing it and

expanding it
focusing on it and milking it

milk the feeling feel the
feeling you want to feel and that
is what your life will be

it has no choice but to
and the more i make the
choice to feel for it the better
i feel i know for a fact
that life can only reflect me and then it does

i just keep feeling for the
feeling of

knowing and it comes
about more and more the more i am
aware of my thogutsh

and how they affect my reality the
easier it is to

tap into my god self
to remember i am

always creating

the inner presence in my lavish abundance

which means

when i feel good
i am allowing life to do the work
for me
and when i don’t

feel good i am somehow

cutting off the supply

i love that i can elevate myself
i love that i am making choices

for myself i have found the
confidence to stand up for myself

against my thoughts and
i am making the choice to feel good
about myself and believe in the power

of god

of me of the supply
of knowing of the feeling of knowing
of not

judging every experience
but actually saying thank you
because the energy is always helping me
and the more i feel it

the better i feel the more i look
for evidence of improvement

the more i see it the more i allow

myself to let go the
better i feel i make the choice to feel
at peacww ehre

where ia m and then i always will
be and i love that i get to learn this i love that
life has taken me far
and i still have a long way to go i love that
i get to enjoy

every day i get to get the best out of every day

i get to choose i love
gathering momentum i love that i feel
good i love that

the breath is flowing i love
that the

feels are flowing i love tha ti am
allowing msyelf to feel good about my work
i love that it’s working i love doing it

i love allowing myself to love

i love doing the work in this here and now

i love that i feel good about that i love
that i feel good about that i love that i get to make
the choice to feel good i love that
i get to love ilove that


working i love that it’s working
i love that it’s working i love that

the flow

is working i love that i know
whatever happens happens

i love beign aware of
how i feel and knowing it’s
all energy i

can feel it

every time i say

i’m going to
let go of everything
and allow

my mind says

but what about …

most of the time
what will this person think
because i am in some way

supposed to be showing them

that i’m

my keep

i don’t have to earn my keep

i odn’t h

don’t have to strive to
make someone else happen and i know
the best way i can

allow that i want

which is for them to feel

fairly compensated

is to align with the energy
i love that i am aware of this
and that i get to create it with the
energy and

that is all

no matter what it’s what
i focus on and i get to make
the choice then
i don’ thave

have to think about
what that other person thinks
and i am allowing myself to

take the emotional journey i need to take
and every time
i try

every time i let it all go
it get closer and closer to

actually doing that and the
more i explore the

non physical

the better i feel i love
that i am connected with non physical
i love that i’ve

let go of th rest
i love that thwne i look
for what i want to see
i see it

i love that my consciousness
is filled with the light of truth

which means

i get it

i found it



i’t sr

it’s right here
right now

it is not in the future
a thing
or place

that doesn’t exist and
the more i can focus
in this here and now
the more

i know the truth of who i am

i know the truth of who i am
i know the truth of who i am
i know the truth of who i am
i know the truth of who i am
i feel

the truth of who i am
i feel the truth of who i am
i know

i know who i am
i know who i am i know who i am

and i am connected it feels good
to be connected and know that

is all i ever need

i feel connected and that is all i ever need

so grateful to feel connected
so grateful for


i feel good in this here and now i feel
the power of the focus i feel
the power of the focus

i feel the power of yes
and i also feel the power of

not caring i also feel the

the power of not caring i feel
the power of not caring and

being a match
become a match

become a match

become a

and stop trying
stop trying to find
the god in myself and know

it’s already right here and now

feel the waves of relief
that come with knowing

that you can choose to celebrate life
at any moment and it has little to do

what is in your ‘reality’

at this very moment

i know that every thing i
ever wanted in life came from

feelign the feeling

not the other way around

i know for a fact
that it came as a reflection
of a feeling and that

always comes

when i get in the
vortex and i love
that i am already here

in the vortex and i’ve

let everything else go
because i remembered
that there’s


nothing i can do about it anyway