and that’s all i can do
remember that my job isn’t to care my
job isn’t to care and it
feels good to practice not caring it feels good
to feel good to feel better it feels good
to do the work the good work the only
work that matters
it feels good to feel good
to have air conditioning
to let go of caring to elevate my mind
to a higher level to know
it’s only ever me
to keep up the good work to
remember it’s not my job
to care to remember it’s not my job to care
it feels good to feel good
it feels good to love to love
to love to love to love
it feels goo d it
it feels good to care
carve thepaths
it feels good to fele set
to be set free
it feels good to be
set free it
feels good to set myself
free it
turn it into awareness
turn the wondering the
wandering the
into awareness
the pain
the suffering the
pain the suffering
turn it into awareness
and be set free because
my job isn’t to care my
is observe and i know my job
is not to care my job is not
to care my jb is
is not to care my job is not to care
it’s to observe
to watch and prefer to align with the
energy of god to
turn the pain into awareness
of god to turn the pain
it feels good to feel good to know
it’s only ever me to feel good
to know it’s only ever me to
turn toward knowing
to turn toward source
it feels good to turn to source
it feels good to focus on
knowing cna
and choosing not to care it
feels good not to care it feels good
not to care it feels good
to not care it
feels good not to care
to feel good now to feel
good now
transmute to unwind
to let it fall away to not
care to make the choice
not to care it feels
good to not care it feels good not to
not to care to focus t
to unwinde to kno
to know that if i am
mad i am
so i can zoom out
unwind it let
it fall away it
feels good to let it all fall way
away it feels good to let it all
fall away it feels good to
let it all fall away it feels good to
let it all fall away
it feels good to let it all fall away
i don’t have to care
i love feeling set free from
caring and turning that
into awarness
i love that i get to make the choice
what i see how i feel about life
it get to make
the choice to know that life
is unfolding as it
life is unfolding as it
turn the wondering
the wandering mind
into focus into fitness of the mind
and choose to feel grateful for
being set free it feels good to be
set free
i don’t have to care and
if i do i am identified
i know that it’s only me
i am i am
i am
consciousness and
it can’t happen to me it
can’t happen to me
because it
is me it can’t happen to me because
it is me this moment
is me this moment is all
there is and i can
transmute the pain i can
thanks thanks thanks thanks
for this right now and the knowing that
i don’t have to care when
i start to care
transmute the energy
it feels good to be
set free to
to set myself
free and to know that life
is helping me a
giving me what i want it feels good
to let that go forever
to live my best life in this
here and now it feels good
to live myself life in this here andn ow
and not care what happens
it feels good to know
not care what happens
it feels goodt o
every time i notice that iam
caring i let it go
because i notice how
caring makes me feel gna
and i know i don’t have
have to make that choice
i know i can turn the boat
i kno
it’s up to me to turn
the boat to look
what i want to see and
not give my
energy my focus to
anything else
it feels good to know to nkow
it feels good to choose
knowing to feel
choose connection with source
to choose now to c
not to care it feels good to
choose not to care
to care it feels good
i love myself i lovemyself
i lovemyself
i love myself i love myself
i love myself i
love myself
and right now
i put it all down
and i let it all go
because none of it
matters i love that
that i get to make the choicet hat
i’m not going to
care that
not going to get
involved i love that
i don’ thavet o
to care
i love that i knowi can
i can always do the work
to love myself
to connect with self and know that
this is the main
in the here andnow
with self is the main
event and
it’s all there is really
i love the btte
better it gets i love that
i’m letting go
of old
baggage and
i love that i know the
contrast creates i love that
i feel free in this
here and now and know that life is good
and know that life
life is helping me ask
i love that life is hleping
helping me ask and i know that
all i am ever asking
for is connection
to self and that connection to
self is in this
here and now
it’s here
it’s now
it is
it already is
it already is in this
here and now it’s the feeling
of knowing it’s the feeling
of celebrating life
no matter what
and not letting
not letting anything outside of me
affect that knowing energy
it just helps me shore up what i want