it feels good to just
relax and enjoy relax and enjoy the
flow of life
let it all go
just be aware
just be aware of teh
the energy and the more
i practice letting
go of the anxiety built
up within me it gets easier
i am letting go i am letting
go needing to control
needing to know what will happen
next letting go
of wondering and choosing
instead it feels good
to choose the feeling
and trust it to come
trust it toc ome
to come to know that
unfolds according to me
according to me it
feels good to feel good to trust the process
of life to feel good now it
feels good
to feel good now to do the work
to do the work to do the work to do the work
to do
to focus to focus
to laser focus that’s all it takes
and alli ti
it takes it
is to change what if
to yes thank you
to yes thank
to yes please more please
change what if to
yes please more please
create with my attention i love
that iknow i ‘m here to do the work
i lovethat
i’m here to do the work