stop caring and stop
creating the ersi
version i don’t want
its that easy
just stop
stopping is easy
its the trying
that’s the hard part
so just stop
trying and start allowing
so just stop tring
and start allowing just stop
just stop and its that easy
i love doing me making the hocie
chocie how i want to fee i love
that i get to make the choice
how i want to feel and i want to feel good
so i make the choice to send thes ignal for
what iw ant and i know life
is giving me the opportunity to send the siganl
for what iw ant
i love that i don’t have to care
i love that i get to feel good for me i love
that i get to love and enjoy life no
matter what i love that
i’m not afraid
of what other people think i love that i
can do me i love that i get ot have fun
i can just stop
i can just stop
i don’t have to care i don ‘thave
to care i
don’th ave to care i can just sto
and stop
and feel good i get to make the choice
to stop
nd feel good now i get to make the choice
and feel good now i get ot make the choice
thte gh
the choice to feel good now i love that i get to stop
i get to make the choicet o stop
right now i ge tot make the chocie
how i feel i get to decide how i feel andi feel
good about life
i feel excited about life
just stop
and then don’t start again
just stop thinking the negative thoughts
its that easy
and come back to the here and now
where everything flows perfectly without my interference
i get to feel ght
the feeling now and i
get to stop
i get to stop i get to stop
i get to just stop
and feel good now its my choice
how i feel its my choice how i feel and i get to
feel good now i know
i am always doing my best and i get to make
the choice
to feel god now i get to make the choice
to feel good now i get to make the chocie
to feel good now i get to make the choice
to feel good now i and i don’t have to care
about the rest i get ot make the choice to feel g
good now and do me
i get ot make the choice
to feel good now to appreciate this life right now
to have a good day right now
i get to make the choice to feel good now
to enjoy life no matter what
i can let it go i can let it go
and i don’ thave to care
i love that ‘m not
not afriad i love that i’m not
afraid i love that i love who i am i love
that i alove i love who iam
and that’s all that matters i love that i
get to love who i am and that’s all that matters
i love that i love who i am
and that’s all that matters i love that i get to love who i am
i lov that i get ot feel good now i love
that i never have to wonder i love that i know
all that mattes is the focus
nd i can
i canalways STOP
just stop thining thoughts
that make me feel ad
and its that easy i know that thoughts
that make mf efeel bad
are false and i don’ thave to believe them
i don’t have to
believe in things that make me feel bad
i get to choose and i want to feel good and
enjoy this day i get to choose andi want to fe
to feel good and enjoy this day i know that
with practice comes
and i know that the better it ges
the more i do the work the
better i feel so i wai
will just say yes thankyou and
take the gift from god
i love that god is always on my side
i love that
god is always on my side i love that i
get to choose to feel good
i love tha i get
get to choose to feel the
feeling i love that i
get to choose to feel the
feeling the feeling of god within me i love that
i get to choose certaitny li love
that i don ‘thave to care i love
that i don’ t
i never have to wonder i never
have to be afraid of the flow f
of life because waht
whateve i give to the worl
is what the world gives back to ma
ei know i know
i know i know i know
whatever i give to the world
what i get back i know its
only me i kno it can only
reflect me i love doing the work
and feeling good i love the better it gets i love
that its easy to feel good
and have a good say
day i love that its easy to feel good and a
allowthe flow
of gofd to
to flow through me
its easy to stap
stop my false self
and allow my true self to flow
and it feels good to allow myse
my true self to flow it feels
god it feels good it feels good
it feesl good
it feels good it feels good
it feels good
to feel god and now
and not care i love that i
don’t havet o care i love
that its not my probably i love
i love that i gt ot
get to make the choice to feel good
no matter what i love that i grt to
get to feel good no matter what
i love that i ge tto feel good
and stop the rest