just want to feel good

i must i must feel the way i want to feel first
i know i become it then i see it and i know that
i can choose to become it in every omment i know that
i can choose to become it in every ometn


choose how i want to feel right now
feel for how i want to feel right now

i love feeling good i love having more than
enough i love feeling abundant
i love feeling free and i love that i know
there’s evidence of abundance
in everything!!

i love orders i love subs
i love ordres i love subs

i get to choose it right now
i must choose it right now i must be i must be
it and the whe i am

whe i am it when i am abundance
my whoe life

whole life is and i know that’s my choice
i know it’s my choice
to feel good now to feel the flow now
to feel abundant now

i must

there’s no other cchoicchoice
you must feel how you want to feel
you must feel it then see it so i must
choose it i must find a way to sho
to choos it

then i will see it.

i must feel it i must be it
i know that and i know how to do it

flip the switch flip the switch and then
it is

celebrate everything that is
it’s that easy flip the switch
be as if

be as if
it already is because it already is
its only


its only
ever perspective

it’s how i look ati t and
that is the only owrk

how i look at it how i feel
about it and i love that
ig et to celebrate t

get to do this work the
yeest work

get to do the yes work
get to do the yes work

the god work the god
work the god work the god work

god work
the god work the god work
the god work

the god work the god work
the god feeling flip

the god switch and that’s all i can
do in any moment
flip the god swithc
i know

i know it’s me and i can choose to feel
how i want to feel right now
to know that i already have what i want
that it already is the way i want it to be
that i chav

have so much to celebrate right now

i love that i get to do that i love

i love that i have everything i need!

i love that the rent and bills are paid!!

i love that we have enough
we always have enough!!

i love that we always have enough i love
feeling the god self
i love
feeling the god
self knowing the god self

experiencing life

as the god self

experiencing life

as the god self i love that
i get to feel the god self
get to know

to know the god self
i love that

i love

i love that i get to feel the god self flip the
god switch

i love that i an


flip the god switch

i feel it i feel the god self
i am the god self
i have to be i have to be the god self

ignor the rest i have to be the god
self and ignore the rest i know that’s
the only answer

to anything i love that i know i love
that i’m choosing it right now

remembering that i get to choose
that i get to choose and then it is

it’s only ever me andhow
i’m looking tat

at it i love that i know this is
true and that this is the

the only work the only work
the only work the only work

the only work just

change the perspective

make a quantum leap
its as easy as a shift in perspective

i’ve already made the switch
i’ve already made the switch

i already am god i already am god self
i already am

looking at everything in a nwe way

grateful to look at life in a new
way grateful to feel in communion
with it to celebrate it to make the choice

to cceleb

to celebrate everything that is
to celebrate

everything that is
so grateful to

celebrate the

i love making the switch i love
making teh swit

the switch i love that our work
i sperfe

is perfectly poised for any
i love that our work is perfectly poised

i love that the switch is flipped

the switch is flipped i love that
its easy to flip the swtich
to feel the feeling

is e

its easy to flp the flip the switch
to be it to be it

already know

for it already to be i love that
i can always flip the switch

and its as easy as thinking about
flipping the switch

i love that life is good i love
making moeny moves
i love that i’m a money magnet i love that i get to feel
good about it i love that
i get to feel the flow right now

i’ve already made the switch and that’s
all i can do i’ve already made the switch

the god switch
i’m looking at life like god now
i’m looking at life like

allowing life like god allowing
god allowing the god self to flow
through me

allowing the

god self to flow through me

i’ve already made the switch

already made the switch
i’ve already made the god switch


i’ve already made the wi
switch i’m already here

i’m already here and i know that’s
all it is it’s how i look at life
it’s how i look at it

i say yes to it i welcome it
i celebrate it and n

above all i found

i find a way back to connection
with god and allow the feeling to solve everything
else i know this is all
i can ever i know this is all that
has ever made any difference in my life
i know that my inner connection is my suppl

and all that matters is this inner connection
with god innever co

inner connection with god loveing life
from the perspective of god.