which means then i won’t be creating the
version i don’t want and it’s as simple as that
i am aware of my thougths and how they are
creating the
version i don’t want
just because i’m addicted to that version i’ve
been creating it for so long that my mind
just defaults there
but eeither
either version is facke
nothing is real not
even my nads
hands or this coffee or this keyboard
or these words these words
especially are not reall
so i keep my mind and thoughts off of them
death came knocking but
i couldn’t get to the door so
he lingered on the porch swing
and even on the stillest night
the swing still swayed slightly
rocking death to sleep
and when i awoke so did he
rocking waiting knocking
i prayed for him to leave
and set me free but when he did
i missed him.
something like that
something about how death is
a great friend while you’re waiting for him
to leave but when he’s gone
you wish he was still there.
death my companion
i want to write that but i don’t
it’s too sad
i don’t want to cry today
so ill push it down
i;ll push it all down
and pretend it doesnt affect me
or i’ll let it all otu
or i’ll forget it alltogether
my worst enemy
until you
and i wished he
wasn’t gone
i feared death until
he left and i wished
he was still here.
i want to write it for you
but really its for me i guess
to show you that i understand
what you’re going through
so you will love me obvi
ok i’m letting it go
death kept knocking
and i kept on saying
no one’s home
and then one day he
didn’t knock
and i wished he had.
i keep my mind and thoughts off
this world and place my entire
focus on the god within as the
only cause of my prosperity
i acknowledge the inner presence
as the only acctiviyt
in my financial affairs as the substance
of all things visible
i place my faith in the principle of
in action within me
i place my faith in the principle of
abundance in acction within me
i keep my mind and thougths off
this world and i return
tot he p
the place where i know the truth
which is the ener whi
which is the palce
place with no attachment
or expectation
i love that i know i love that i can
always let go of the rest and come
back to the center
of knowing i love that i know
i don’t need that
and if i had it
i would find asom
something else i think i’m missing
so i can shooe
i can
choose right i can choose
to change the course of my life
to l
to discern
to prefer
something new
to decide
to discern
to prefer
something new
and it feels good
to step into that place
that place of confidence in life
of letting og
go of needing validation
from others and taking the big leap into the
here and now
letting the other side of the wave guide me
toward what i prefer
knowing that it’s only ever
particles anyway
i am aware of the version i create
and i know that
i can easily
create the version i prefer i love
that i can alway s
create the version i prefer
i can always make the version i prefer
i am
i am
i am
the version i prefer
i keep my mind and thougths
off this world and place
my entire focus on the
god wthin
within as the only cause
of my pors
i acknowledge
the inner presence
as the only activity
in my financial
as the subsance
fo all things visible
i place my faithin
in the principle of abundance
in action within me
i keep my ind amind
and thoughts off this world
and place
my entire focus on the god
withing as
as the only cuase
cause of my prosperity
i acknolwedge
the inner presence as the only
activity in my financial
affairs as the substance
of all things visible
i place my fiath
in the princple of aubndance in action withi me
i focus
i focus i
i focus
and i lift
that upper limiting beliefe
i peaked or that i’ll never
be or life will never be that good again
and i know its just
an addiction to apat
a pattern and i know i can break
that pattern i feelt hat
pattern greak
breaking if eel
i feel it breaking and i feel
myself emerging anew
i feel myself emerging
my full self
the fulles version
of myself and
this fullest version is
able to be me fully
to step fully into my current self
to love my current self
and let the rest go
to be grateful to choose gratitude
and know it’s only a practicce
i’ve been practicing
thinking i’m not enough
and it got
really easy to believe
after all these years
of asking
to know
why am i not enough
what did i do wrong
why dont you love me
why am i not worthy of love
why am i bad
why do you hate me
but i’m over that
today i’m asking
today i’m telling
i am enough
i haven’t done anything wrong
i love me
i am worthy of infinite love
i am good
i love me
why do you love me?
i know why you love me let me count the
ways and it feels good
to return to self
to return to who i am
to return to
my fullest self to make the choice
to jump fully into myself
and let go
of all attachments