keeping up the good work

i love feeling the best i’ve ever felt
i love feelig the flow
flowing through me i love doing the work i love

feeling good i love that today is my day
i love that every day is my day i love
that i can breathe easy
i love the time and space to do this wrok

i love that i’ve been feeling the best ever
i love

allowing life to flow through me i lov that
i feel good i love

that i feel good i love feeling the
flow i love feeling the flow i love

feeling good i love t

feeling good i love raising my vibration
i love betting
getting in the vortex and then i lov

feeling good now i lov
feeling good now i love that
i feel good

i love feeling good!!!

i feel good!
i feel really good!!
i feel happy i feel that life is working out for me
i feel that

everything is unfolding perfectly i feel
the flow unfolding in my favor

i feel good ifeel

feel good i feel good i feel
good about life i feel good about me
i feel the flow flowing through me

the god self flowing through me
i love that

all my wishes are coming true i love
that all my wishes are coming true
i love

that all my wishes are coming true
i love feeling good i love
feeling the words

fly from my fingers i love amk

making the choice i love that
it’s easy to m ake the choice to feel good

i love feeling good i love
sending the signal of love i love that
it’s my choice to send the
signal of love
i love

that i get to choose love that

i ge tto choose to celebrate
this day

so grateful for this day
for this here and now for

life loving me sograteful
for my computer

for my family
for my friens
for life

that i want to live life
that i am enjoying life

that it’s gone!!!

that it worked itself out
i love doing this work i love

the better it gets i love
the ease and flow of life i love that
i am at home

in this here and now
and i know that nothin is up to me

i love that i can

always getin the

the vortex on that topic i love

that i can always love i love doing this work
this is the only work i love tha ti feel good

doing the work that i am
doing the work because i feel good and i want to

accentuate that feeling i want to build
up that feeling i love the feeling of loving
of feeling good of trusting life i love that
there is so much to love i love tha

there is so much to love i love that
there is so much to love to love

right now i feel

feel the flow lfowing through me
i feel joy

i feel JOYFUL

i feel the best ever!!

i feel knowing i love that i can
always transmute the energy i love

that i am ready to take the leap i love
that i get to feel good now

i love feeling god in my veinds i love

feeling certainty i love making the
time to do this work i love

the better it gets i love
that everything is going my way i love
that i now i

i know i am the creator i know i am
the creator i love that i get to lov
i love

i love that i get to kow i love that
i kno wi love that i know i get to hcoose

choose to feel good no matter what
i love that i ge tto choose
to be in a good mood no matter what i love

the better it gets i love
that life helps me focus i love

feeling the feeling flowing through
me i love

releasins resistance

i come here to let it go
to let go of everything i hold
on to

i love that i can
always let it all go i love that

i can always let it all go

i love that i know life loves me i love
doing the owrk every day i love
doing the work i love

that life loves me i love

feeling good i love the power of this focus
the power of this focus

i love that life
always brings me there
i can feel the feeling nowi fee

i feel the feeling nowi f

i feel the feeling now i feel good
now i feel the love right now i feel

love right no wi feel

happy right nowi lo
i am

in the vortex right now
no matter what and i can always

connect with this feeling i love
that i never have to wonder and it

always comes to me i love that i get to choose
to feel good no matter what i love

that i am



i love that i know that
the resistance

is pure happiness
that just exists

it’s just there ofr no

for no reason
when i make the choice not
to resist

the happiness
the love is there i love
that i get to

choose to feel love

no matter what
and life

reflects that i love that i
choose it

then i see it i love that
i get to choose to be happy no
matter what
i lift up my mind

and heart

to be aware
to understand

and to know

that the divine presence I AM

is the source and
substance of all my good

i love that i nkow this
i know this i love that

love my life

i love that life
is good i love that

there is so much to love and
i get to feel

filled up

right now