it feels good to feel tuned in tapped in
to relax and enjoy the unfolding of life
it feels good to have the abundance to be allowed to relax and enjoy the enjoy
enjoy the unfolding of life
it feels good to dive right in to feel the focus
to feel the good of life flowing
through e to feel goo
connecte dto feel loved to feel love
to feel love it feels good
keeping up the goo dwork
the laser focus
it feels good to allow life to
center myself
to know the truth of life to feel
good in my creations
tok now
to know that its always up to me
so grateful for this here and now
for this charmed life for the flow flowing through me
for the good life to allow the good life to
flow to feel the laser focus of life
to feel the laser focus of love
to look for what i want to see i love
that i can always look for what
i want to see i love that i can alwys
do the work i can
always do the work i focus in the here and now
on the god self flowing through me i focus on the god self
flowing through me i keep up the good work
i feel the feeling i choose the enregy
energy first i love that i choose the energy
first and rest follows i love that
i can always do the work i love that it sonly
its only we
ever the
the feeling is the work i know ths i know this
for fa
a fact i knw i
i know i have experienced this many times in life
i know i can do it i know i can affect life
with my energy i know that life
has ro
i know that life i know that
life i know that life
i feel good i feel good i feel life flowing
through me i feel the laser focus i feel the
affects of the laser focus i feel the
affects of the programming i program
the water of my body i feel the
feeling i feel good
i love myself i love myself i love
my life i love feeling good i love
feeling he flow
the flow flowing through me i love
feeling the flow
flowing through me
i love that i get ot feel to feel good to feel t
he the laser focus that i get to choose
to feel how iw ant to
to feel and i know that
life is just a simulation i love that i know this
i know who i am i know what i am i know
that i am god i know that iam gi know i know that
i am god
i co
i know that
everthing is always coalescing in my favor
i know ths i kow i am
i know i am pure creative energy i allow the
creative energy to flow through me
i allow mse
myself to fully love every moemnt to do the wokr
to feel connected to send the signal to feel the
feeling and then life reflets
reflects i choose thesi
the signal i become it then i see it
i beocme the
th pe
the person i want to be
then i see her i become her the i see her
i know this i know this an di am brave
enought o feel to feel how i want to feel to
celebrate the fullest version of myself
yes thank you yes thank you yes
thank you yes thank you
i feel how i want to feel i can
always choose to feel
i feel good i feel good i feel perfect
i feel the release i feel myself
lletting go of all resentment
of all attachments
and allowing the energy of life to flow
fully through me
i allow life to flow fully through me i celebrate life i celebrate life
i ce
celebrate the perfection of god i know that
everything in life is me
is a reflection of m
can’t wait to to start the day off right tomorrow
to feel life flowing through me
to come
become it the see it to
alraedy be the perosn iw ant to be
in thel ife
i want
to be in
i already am and i m
celebrating every minute that i
alreayd have the life i want i
celebrate that i alreayd have
the life i want i celebrate
and i feel the focus flowing through me
i feel mysef
lining up the energy and knowing that life
can only reflect athi know
i know that i know i
i know i am the one and only creato
i know life is perfect i know
i am perfect i know that life is
alrady per
already perfect and i celebrate that knowledge
i choose
to be brave enough to celebrate life
to celebrate what i know that
i am the creator of me
i choose to celebrate this i choose
to allow the best ever
version of me to flow
i choose to allow the best
version of me to flow i choose
the connection ichoose life i choose
the god self i choose the god self the pwoer of the
the god self i chosoe the focus ei choose the focus
i choose the knowing i choose it
then i see it
i choose it for the sake of choosing it
i choose to ccelebrate life right now
becuae life is realy rally good
i get to feel good i release resistance
i release attachment
and i release afee
feeling any way that doesn’t feel good
i release it i don’t hold on to old
events and i focus on loving myself right now
i am worthy right now
i am worthy of
gods infinity in this here and now
and i love msyelf !
i love msyelf and i love my life!!