leave the mirror and change your face

here doing the work
remembering no matter what its only me

its only how i feel so i’m not going to let this thing
outside of me dictate how i feel when i how i feel i

is what dictates life and i can always

i can always change what i see and use it as a n excuse

use it as an excuse to use the magick i can always use it as
an exuse to use the magick so thank yiu for for that
i love that i know it

its a chance to use the magick to change what is

so grateful i know so grateful i know the
truth i know i am god i know i am the one and only
creator and i create
with how

how i feela nd its

its up to me to choose to tune out anything
that isn’t in alignment with my truth
i get to choose to refuse

i get to choose to refuse service
i get to refuse service

i get to make the choice to feel good
to feel god to know god now

i get ot make the choice
to nokw god now i get ot make the sh

choice to know the truth now its up to me
to refuse to look at anything that makes me feel
bad because how i feel is what creates my world
and t

its up to me how i feel i love that i now this
i love that i know this i love that
i know this i love that
its an indicator of harmony

what is desired is the word of god
and what is asked for is instantly given i love that i
know this and i get to celebrate it

i love that i know tis and i get to act as if
i love that i no wthat
the dse

desire is the word of god i love that i now
i know this i love that i’m already there

i’m already right here in the perfect
here and now

today IS the est
best day of mmy life nd i get to choose to life
live it choo

get to choose to love it
ebembrace it
i get to choose to love it

get to hoose to choose to love it
get to choose it get to choose it and know its on

only ever me its only ever me

its only ever me its only ever me
its only ever me

leave the mirror and

change your face
leave the mirror and change your face
and i nkow

exactly what that means and i love that i
get to cdo

do it get to feel at ease in this here an now
get to feel at ease in this here and now

get to feel at ease in this here and now

thiss moment this loving moment
get to love thismoment
get to act as if get to act as if
get to feel the feeling of and dont have to

allow anything to be my reason for
feeling bad
i love that i know this that i can refuse service

its up to me
its my

safe space

refuse entry

to your energy

i know all ofl ife is a feeling
and i dont have to allow anything to
‘yank my

feelings around and that no matter what

anything that happens can be used to shore up
my feelings th
and the more i devote myself
to acting in accordance with this law

the more i see evidence of it
the mosre

the more i see evidence of it
i know ths is
this is lawa i know this is law and it must be

it has to
it can’t not i love that i know this i love that

i now the
i know the secret to life i know the feeling
ofl ife and i’m so
grateful i know it
that i get to celebrate life
that i

get to celebrate love
that i get to celebrate
amazingly awesome
that i get to celebrate knowing
that when the desire is born

particles conspire
i love that i know ths
and and relax and enjoy i love that i
get to relax and enjoy and
just to fe

just feel the feeling of what i want
and allow life to fill int he rest
i feel the feeling of what i want
and allow life to fill in the rest
an i know that

my turstin

trust that that will happen
is alll i need i love that i knwo this
i love that i get to choose it
get to do this
work devote myself to this work only the feeling work

i get to feel the feeling work

i get to feel the feeling of it
i get to feel the feeling of it

i love that i know the truth i love htat
that i know the turht i love
that i get to feel the truth right now
and awal

always get to live my life by it knowing
that my

my source and my supply
is the proximity to god
to how i feel right now
and i know that i know that i have it all in this moment

i know that i am

totally fulfilled

in this moment i know that i am totally fulfilled
in this moment
i know that i am
totally fulfilled

i know this for a fact i know this for a fact
i know this for a fact and i lov that
i know it i love that i know that
when i ask it is given so i know that

harmony is and i need only look for evidence of it
i love that i’m always seeing evidence of it i love htat
it’s alawyas unfolding in my favor
i love that i knwo
life is alawys unfolding in my faove

favor and i can always zoom out and see that
i can always zoom out and reunite with god.