lets have a good day

it feels good to have a good day
it feels good to start the day off right

so grateful for a washing machine
for clothes to wash for hot coffee

that my dreams weren’t real
so grateful life is good
so grateful for my wife so

grateful for my beautifully made bed
so grateful for who i am and for the life
experience that led me here

i love being wealthy i love having a good day i love
that i know life loves me i love that i know life
loves me i love feeling good

in my life i love saying yes thank you i love that

that ik now l=
i know life loves me i love that
thank you for this day

so grateful for this day
so grateful

for this here andn ow
for this here and now
here and now so
grateful to do the work

to commkune

commune with self
to allow my best sel f
to flow through

so grateful for so much to
be grateful for

thank you for this
day for this moment for the
feeling thank you for the
feeling of the here andnow

now thank you for this moment
for this ork
the only work

thank you for this day
this day i get to spend with my

wife this day i get to enjoy this
day i get to jump fully into

i love feeling waves of relief i love
feeling good in my life i love that
i knkow

life loves me right now i love
that there is so much to love

i love feeling relief in this
here and now becuase i know

who i am i love hat i
that i get to make the choice
i love that i alreayd
made the choice i love

that i can always get in the vortex and then
i love
that i can always get in the vortex and then
i love

that i can get out of the way i love
that i get

can get out of thw ay
the eway i love that i am
always getting what i want i love

that i am always getting

everything i want and need and i can
always trust the flow of well being i can always trust the

flow of well being i canalways

send the signal signal of lofe i

love i can always love i can always choose love and it

it’s so much easier to choose love i love that
i get to choose i love
that i get to feel proud of myself
i love

making choices for myself
and standing by them

i love that i can do it i love the
better it gets i love the
better it gers i

gets i love that i can do it
i love that i can do it

i can make the chocies that

feel good for me

i love this right now i love
feeling elevated i love lookinga for

for what iw ant to see i love
that iam always

getting what i want i lov that
that i already got what i want i love

that life is good i love that life
is good i love that

life is good i love that life is good i love
where i am right now

i love that i don’t have to care that i
get to trust this

here andnow
this one right now that i created
and love it

just like all the others i love that i get ot

love this

here and now

like all the others i love
that i
get to feel good now feel
good now feel good
now i

i love that i get to feel good now i lov that
i get to
feel good now feel the feeling right now
i love feeling

open i love feeling open i love
feeling free i love feeling free to

to live my best life
to love

to enjoy to

to sing to allow my heart to sing to
be happyin

in this here and now i a



i am allowed to
let my heart sing to
feel good to

love life to look for what
i want to know that

life is always giving me what i need

to know that i am
already filled up i am already complete

it feels good to feel my best self
to make choices for mky g

best self!!

i am proud of who i am!!

i am proud of the good choices i make

i am proud of the steps i am taking
i know

i know i am doing my best i ove
i love that i am doing my best i love

that it feels good i love
signs of improvement i love

feeling good i love feeling the feeling i love feeling the feeling

i love feeling good i loe that
i love that i know i am always getting
what i want i love

i love that i am always getting what i wanted
and i can trust that i can trust that i know that

i wanted this i wanted this and i can trust it
i can trust it it

it feels good to get int he vortex
and then to love myself
and then

to be my best self
and then
it feels good
to allow my best seelf and

self and then it feels good
to be

to allow my best self to flow through me

it feels good to love
it always feels bettter to le
to love
and that is
my only

only job

my only job is to feel good

my onlly ‘worry’

is to enjoy life right now
and say thank you
because i am always getting
what i want

yes thank you for this day
i get to love and that’s all i can


is say thank you

because i am always getting what iw ant
and life is helpling me



