that become a awy of life and that’s all there is
feelig it first feeling the god sel f
fiding a way to feel good becausee that is life
finding a way to feel the way i wnt to feel about life knowing
little glimipses fo the
of the god feeling the oh yeah
liife is magic and all i can do is get out of the wy
glimpse of the athat feeling that
the knowing that id ididnt do
anything to make that ahppen
letting go of life letting go
of the flow letting god
letting god knwoing god knwoign that
for sure
what do i want i think that’s beent eh proble
i dont know what i want
what do i really
really want what to di do i want???
how do i want to live???
what do i want???
i know i dont want it go
to go back
i want to feel empowered i want to feel
sure of myself i want to feel confident in myself
i want to feel cconfident in life
i want to trust life to turst the s
spontaneatiy of life
to trust that life is unfolding perfectly
i trust the flow of life i k
i know i dont need anything
no person place or ccondition ismy supply
my awareness
and knowledg
of the all providing activit
of the divine mind within me is my supply
to feel knowing to be able to feel
to recognize wht im feeling
and then switcch to the better
feeling feeling
i love that i get to do this
that i get to trus it that its the only thing
that will ever make a difference
i want to believe in myself that i can
i want to now my
know and trust my magic
my power
i wnt to knwo and trust my power
i now andd trust my power
i knw and t
i know and trust my power
i deeply accept everything that is
i deeply accept everthing that is
i dont have to feel thoughts
those feelings any more i can let them go i can let them go
they dont helpe me
what do i want
to not ccare to like my lie how it is
to love my life how it is
it doesnt havve to be all or nothing
it doesnt havve to be all or nothing
so gratefl to have
a nice community to trut my ccommunity
to have someone to turn to
so grateful i knwo its not my
everything that i ccan come back from it
that i can
return to ccenter to the real me
what do i want??
what do i want??
to enjoy my life to let the rest go to
release the cork to let it float to remember its not my problem
to knwo i dont have any problems i love tht
i know that i dont have any problems that
tgat f
life is always ta
i wat to
i want to enjoy mylife
its so easy to enoy
enjoy life its so eay to enjoy life
to look for ways to enjoy
to look for
reasons to enjoy life
its so easy to forgive myself
its so easy to forgive myself
i want to fortive
forgive myself i want to love myself i want to love myself
i want to forgive myself
i forgive myself!!
i get to enjoy my life i get to enjoy my life i
i dont have to look toanything
to be my soucce
source to deciee if i get to enjoy my life
i want o
want to enjoy my life i love that ia maware
i love
that ia m aware a
of the
of the creator that is me i love that
i amt he
the creator i love that i get to hveet
fun and enjoy life
i love tht ig et to lallow
allow to unfold
i love that i get ot make room or me
i get to enjoy my liife
i get to enjoy my life
i dont have to keep looking there and analyzing
trying to get something that
i get to enjoy life i get to expect that
the best i get to choose to have funa dn
and laugh i get to choose to feel good
i get to choose to enjoy life
no matter what i love that i get
to i love that i dont ccare i love when
i dont ha
care i love that i dont have to have hard feelings
ive just been obsessed with thinking about that
one thing but i know i dont h
even hae
have to think about it
today i intend to enjoy life i want to enjoy life
im tired of waking up
with the smae s
same dumb orries
worries i want to wake up feelig good feeling good
feeling excited aboutt h
the day i
i want to enjoy my life
today i enjoy my li
choose to enjoy my life i look
for ways to enjoy my life
and i let that go im
im tired im tired of those thoughts
its time its time to let all of them
release all of them and
get addicted to a new thought
i love that life is working out for me
i love that life is always filling in the sapcce
i love that i knwo that
love and appreciation and support and kindness
are indint
it dosen shave to come fromther
i am the sourcce
and the kindness
the love and kindness and caring follows
so grateful i get to enjoy life
for no reason
so grateful to get back to who ia m
to get bacck to who am i
i m and that’s alll that really matters
grateful for everything that ccomes my way
that came my way
i forgive myself for gettin attached
for loving too much for caring
i forgive myself for loving too much
to getting too attached to the feeling of love
i thought was outside of me
i forgive mysefl
i for