I can always do a rampage of appreciation and
turn my point of attraction because iknow it’s
always me i’t sonly
only ever me and my point of attraction
my perspective my
observationsa nd I know that
I know that how I feel I know that
how I feel is all that matters
first you become it then I see it
I know
I respect myself I love myself
and I know that I am the best I am
good at my job I knkow that I
I know that I am good at my job I know that
I am good at my job I know
who I am iknow
I know hwere I where ia m in this
this here
and now
I love wehre
I amright now
so grateful for life so grateful
life feel sgood life is looking up
so grateful to feel good about life
to feel optimistic about life
so grateful for this new computer!!
so grateful all my wishes are coming true so
grateful for the time and space to
be alone to work alone to raise my vibration
without distraction so grateful
to lean into the flow and feel the flow pick me
me so so grateful
for friends and fun experiences so
grateful to feel good in my life
to love my life so grateful to
love my life to feel good in my life
to make the hocid t
the choice to feel how I want to feel
to know that
it’s only ever my choice
it’s only ever my choice
it’s only ever
hpow I w
how I feeland life
llife reflects that
and the best way to feel good
is to get out of the way
let go of everything it feels good
to do the work to elevate my mind
and heart it feels good to know what I wnk
I know to focuso n what I know to
to live a joyful life to make the choice
to feel joyful no matter
becuae it is a science
it feels good to feel good to feel good
to know that life
loves me it feels good to kno that
that life loves me it feels good to love
to love where ia m
am right now it feels good to love
to love to feel good it feels good to feel good
to focuso n how I want to feel
to remember that I am god it feels good
to aling
with the god self within
and let the rest go it feels good to do the work